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AROBS enters the Polish market by acquiring SYDERAL Polska

02 Februarie 2023   |   BizLawyer

The SYDERAL Polska acquisition will enforce the embedded systems business expertise of AROBS, focusing on automotive, aerospace, medical, and marine technology.

AROBS Transilvania Software (BVB: AROBS), the largest technology company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, acquired the majority stake, of 94%, in SYDERAL Polska, a company from Gdansk, Poland, specialized in the development of products and technologies for quantum and optical communication, onboard data storage and processing, as well as for control of satellite mechanisms and instruments.

"Through the transaction announced today, we are taking another step towards consolidating our aerospace industry expertise within AROBS Group. SYDERAL Polska's expertise complements the new business line brought to the group by our colleagues from AROBS Engineering – embedded systems and software development for the aerospace sector. The SYDERAL Polska team has extensive aerospace field experience, and the company actively participates in initiatives related to creating the European Quantum Communication Infrastructure. In addition, we are pleased that as of this year, the AROBS group is present in a new country, Poland. I am confident that together with our new colleagues, we will develop innovative products and services and be involved in projects with a significant impact on the future of European space," stated Voicu Oprean, founder and CEO of AROBS.

SYDERAL Polska was established in 2016 and has a team of 28 specialists in providing hardware and software solutions for the aerospace sector customers' needs. The company implements projects for the European Space Agency (ESA) and simultaneously conducts R&D projects funded by the National Center for Research and Development (NCBiR) in Poland. Over the years, SYDERAL Polska has been involved in numerous projects with partners from the European space sector, including representatives of the New Space market, which aims to democratize the space sector through access to systems and services at reasonable prices for new companies in the market.

SYDERAL Polska is known for developing instrument and mechanism controllers. The company designs customized onboard electronic equipment for space applications, such as the FLORIS Instrument Control Unit, a high-resolution imaging spectrometer used by ESA for global measurements of terrestrial vegetation fluorescence and its mapping.

The company will continue to be managed by Michal Drogosz, the current CEO, who will also remain a shareholder, with a 6% stake. At the financial level, AROBS will include SYDERAL Polska's results in the group's consolidated financial statements as of 2023. For 2022, SYDERAL Polska estimates a turnover of 1 million euros.

"Joining the AROBS group is a significant step for the further growth of SYDERAL Polska. This transaction enables us to extend our capabilities in products and services dedicated to the space sector. Becoming a part of AROBS will bring new opportunities for SYDERAL Polska so that we may explore sectors and industries where our company was not yet active. In the area of space technologies, the competencies of AROBS and SYDERAL Polska complement each other perfectly, which will enable us to develop more advanced products and services jointly," Michal Drogosz, CEO of SYDERAL Polska.

The SYDERAL Polska acquisition will enforce the embedded systems business expertise of AROBS, focusing on automotive, aerospace, medical, and marine technology. Since the closing of the private placement in October 2021, AROBS has acquired Berg Software, AROBS Engineering (former business line Enea Software Development Services Romania), the Nordlogic group, and CDS GPS Romania, as well as the two entities from the Republic of Moldova, AROBS Software and AROBS TrackGPS, transactions approved during the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders from December 22, 2022.

AROBS Transilvania Software is listed on the AeRO market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange as of December 6, 2021. The company currently has a market capitalization of approximately 174 million euros.







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