Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Government preparing emergency ordinance for employees of companies targeted by sanctions against Russia

16 Martie 2022   |   Agerpres

On the other hand, the Minister of Labor stressed that it is out of the question for pensions to decrease next year, after the entry into force of the increase to 4.75% of the percentage transferred to Pension Pillar II.

The governing coalition is preparing an emergency ordinance to support the employees of the companies targeted by the sanctions against Russia, the Minister of Labor and Social Solidarity, Marius Budai, declared on Wednesday, at the end of the Government meeting.
"We are preparing an emergency ordinance at the coalition level that will have provisions for furlough. We have already convened a social dialogue committee at the Ministry of Labor strictly for this matter. It seems that there are solutions and I introduced an article in the emergency ordinance for furlough with a certain derogation. So there are solutions, as we have identified, for the payment of unemployment, there will certainly be solutions for salaries. When the social dialogue committee is over, you will certainly receive information. There are solutions, people should not panic. This ordinance is on the agenda of the coalition meeting and I hope that if not Friday, then I hope next week we will have it in the Government. I proposed this ordinance to the coalition because there is this danger of closing production capacities due to the crisis in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus," said Marius Budai.
On the other hand, the Minister of Labor stressed that it is out of the question for pensions to decrease next year, after the entry into force of the increase to 4.75% of the percentage transferred to Pension Pillar II.
At the same time, the Minister of Labor specified that he does not support the proposal to reduce the social security contributions by 5%.
"I do not support it. Because that transfer to Pillar II will deprive Pillar I with a certain amount, and I do not think it is time to skim Pension Pillar I any further. (...) I re-discussed with the unions, the three that have called me so far, informed me that they do not support the reduction of CAS, motivated by the current economic situation and the removal of a sum of money from Pillar I," added Marius Budai.






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