Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal obtained in court, as a result of pro bono legal services, a final decision which protects the land ownership and the investment made by the Daruieste Viata Association for the Marie Curie Hospital’s expansion and modernization
22 Mai 2023
BizLawyerThe litigation team which obtained the solution was coordinated by Ana Galgotiu-Sararu, Senior Managing Associate.
A multidisciplinary team of lawyers specialized in administrative and commercial litigations from Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal obtained, as a result of pro bono legal services, a Bucharest Court of Appeal decision which definitively rejects the request for in-kind restitution of a piece of the Marie Curie Hospital land, on which the Daruieste Viata Association has expanded and modernized the medical unit in order to ensure optimal treatment and therapy conditions for all the hospitalized children, after an investment estimated at approximately 43 million euros. Obtaining this favorable solution therefore contributes to the consolidation of this large non-governmental project and confirms the hospital's rights over the respective area.
The lawsuit, filed by a person who claims to be the heiress of the former owners, is part of a series of complex litigations initiated about three years ago, in which Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal has represented Daruieste Viata and Marie Curie Hospital, with the aim of protecting the ownership on the land managed by the medical unit, as well as the validity of the building permits regarding the expansions and the modernization of the children's hospital, built as a result of the fundraising efforts initiated by the association.
The lawsuit, filed by a person who claims to be the heiress of the former owners, is part of a series of complex litigations initiated about three years ago, in which Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal has represented Daruieste Viata and Marie Curie Hospital, with the aim of protecting the ownership on the land managed by the medical unit, as well as the validity of the building permits regarding the expansions and the modernization of the children's hospital, built as a result of the fundraising efforts initiated by the association.
The litigation team which obtained the solution was coordinated by Ana Galgoțiu-Săraru, Senior Managing Associate, and included Anca Belciu, Senior Associate, and Alexandra Tuta, Associate. The legal expertise in real estate of the lawyers Maria Nitulescu, Managing Associate, Diana Stan, Managing Associate, and Ioana Georgescu-Muresanu, Managing Associate, part of the real estate practice, coordinated by Irina Dimitriu, Partner, has also contributed to the preparation of the procedural strategy and to the successful defense before the Bucharest Court of Appeal.
"We are honored to have had the opportunity to contribute to the Daruieste Viata’s extraordinary endeavor to modernize the Marie Curie Hospital, and our efforts led to the Bucharest Court of Appeal’s solution through which the Marie Curie Hospital has obtained the final confirmation of its right to manage the land on which the investment was made. The solution also reconfirms the outstanding competencies of our litigation team and of our colleagues in the real estate practice", said Mihnea Galgotiu-Sararu, Partner at Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal, leader of the administrative and commercial dispute resolution practice.
"The construction of a hospital and of all the necessary facilities involves some of the most diverse challenges. However, the request for the in-kind restitution of the land on which the construction was built really represented one of the greatest challenges, because it could have raised serious problems to the project. The collaboration with Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal helped us in two ways: the final decision in favor of the hospital recently obtained, and the confidence in the lawyers’ professionalism along the trial, which made us feel safe to continue with the investment and not put the entire project on hold. Children, parents and medical staff who will soon be able to benefit from this hospital are the main winners from this collaboration between Daruieste Viata and Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal," said Oana Gheorghiu, Vicepresident, Daruieste Viata.
Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal’s litigation practices consist of 25 lawyers who work closely with professionals in all practice areas within the Deloitte network, including tax and financial advisors, technical experts and digital transformation specialists. Thus, the multidisciplinary teams are able to address the full spectrum of business disputes, from tax cases to commercial and administrative disputes.
The real estate practice within Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal has also benefited from wide recognition for over 15 years (including in international rankings such as Legal 500) as one of the most important teams of lawyers specialized in this field, which has assisted in many of the largest and most complex real estate transactions and developments in Romania, often considered by the specialized press "transaction of the year".
Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal is recognized as a leading law firm in Romania for the quality of services and ability to deliver solutions on complex legal matters. The areas of practice include banking and finance, competition law, employment law, energy and environment law, insolvency law, legal management consulting, litigation, corporate, mergers and acquisitions, public sector, real estate. The firm represents in Romania Deloitte Legal, a global network with more than 2,500 lawyers in 80 countries.
Daruieste Viata is one of the main non-governmental organizations acting to reform the Romanian medical system. In more than ten years of activity, the association has managed to bring together over 500,000 donors under a common goal, that of guaranteeing modern services, both by building medical units and modernizing infrastructures, as well as by carrying out concerted lobby and support activities for the implementation of sustainable public policies, focused on the needs of the health system’s primary beneficiaries - patients and medical staff. The total investment made in more than ten years of activity by Daruieste Viata in order to materialize the directions of action to which it committed amounts to approximately 60 million euros.
The real estate practice within Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal has also benefited from wide recognition for over 15 years (including in international rankings such as Legal 500) as one of the most important teams of lawyers specialized in this field, which has assisted in many of the largest and most complex real estate transactions and developments in Romania, often considered by the specialized press "transaction of the year".
Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal is recognized as a leading law firm in Romania for the quality of services and ability to deliver solutions on complex legal matters. The areas of practice include banking and finance, competition law, employment law, energy and environment law, insolvency law, legal management consulting, litigation, corporate, mergers and acquisitions, public sector, real estate. The firm represents in Romania Deloitte Legal, a global network with more than 2,500 lawyers in 80 countries.
Daruieste Viata is one of the main non-governmental organizations acting to reform the Romanian medical system. In more than ten years of activity, the association has managed to bring together over 500,000 donors under a common goal, that of guaranteeing modern services, both by building medical units and modernizing infrastructures, as well as by carrying out concerted lobby and support activities for the implementation of sustainable public policies, focused on the needs of the health system’s primary beneficiaries - patients and medical staff. The total investment made in more than ten years of activity by Daruieste Viata in order to materialize the directions of action to which it committed amounts to approximately 60 million euros.
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