Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

NNDKP and PCA Law Merge and Set Up a Strong Legal & Tax Advisory Structure in Transylvania

17 Decembrie 2019   |   A.D.

The new NNDKP team in Cluj will comprise 20 lawyers and support staff and will be coordinated by Ciprian Păun and Cristina Bidiga, both lawyers with over 15 years of professional activity.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) starts off 2020 with a major project that will consolidate the legal & tax services structure offered to the business community of Cluj-Napoca (Cluj County) and the neighboring counties. After evaluating the needs of the legal market in Transylvania region and the expectations of the local clients, Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) and the law firm of Păun Ciprian and Associates (PCA Law Office) decided to join forces and merge.

As of January 1, 2020, PCA Law Office will become an integral part of the NNDKP Cluj-Napoca Office; the clients of PCA will receive legal assistance under the NNDKP brand and the PCA collaborating attorneys will be integrated in the hierarchical and professional structures of NNDKP.

The main objective of this merger is to create a strong local legal and tax advisory structure that responds to the evolution of the business market for the “2020 +” period. This merger also intends to consolidate at local level the Center for Excellency in Fiscal Disputes created by NNDKP (NNDKP CELF) that provides our clients with integrated legal assistance services from the stage of the first control carried out by the tax authorities up to the adjudication of the dispute. 

As a result of this merger, NNDKP’s Cluj-Napoca Office will have an increased capacity to provide clients with the “Legal & Tax” services package, combining quality and efficiency and complementing those with an integrated perspective that encompass both legal and commercial aspects.

“We took the decision to expand our presence in Cluj thanks to the continued development of the local business community and given the city’s long-term development strategy based on concrete  direction – for example,  the start-up sector in the field of technology where companies and authorities work in close cooperation to promote the city as the place where you want to be, where you want to invest, where you want to grow your business. We intend to be an active part of this project, and the addition of the PCA team makes us better equipped to achieve this objective. In addition, PCA’s business approach in Cluj will contribute to the growth at national level of the umbrella-concept proposed by NNDKP – the integrated approach of legal and tax services offered to our clients, under the “Legal & Tax” brand, stated Ion Nestor, NNDKP Senior Partner and Co-Managing Partner of the firm.

The new NNDKP team in Cluj will comprise 20 lawyers and support staff and will be coordinated by Ciprian Păun and Cristina Bidiga, both lawyers with over 15 years of professional activity.

“We consider that this step will bring added value to the legal services market in Transylvania and ensure the access of local investors on the entrepreneurial market to the high-end legal services provided by NNDKP. This project was born as a response of the business law market to the extraordinary development of the business environment in Transylvania in general, and of Cluj in particular. I trust that the new team will become soon a prominent professional structure on the relevant market, opened to the challenges of the contemporary economy, and that the local clients will benefit from the entire NNDKP network of practice areas and regional offices, which will ensure their rapid development both at national and at international level”, added Ciprian Păun, Co-Head of the NNDKP Cluj-Napoca Office.

NNDKP Cluj will cover at regional level a large variety of legal and tax services, including fiscal law, mergers and acquisitions, corporate and commercial law, real estate law, labor law, intellectual property law, banking and finance law, as well as corporate criminal law.  The office will provide legal assistance and representation to clients located in the counties of Cluj, Sălaj, Satu-Mare, Maramureș, Bistrița-Năsăud, Mureș, Alba. The Cluj office will be integrated in the structure of NNDKP CELF at national level.

Ciprian Păun
is an Associate Professor at the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca; a lawyer recommended by the German Embassy and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Director of the Romanian Personal Data Protection and Security Review edited by the Universul Juridic publishing house. Ciprian Păun is a reputed practitioner in the field of tax law, commercial law and GDPR and over the last year coordinated M&A transactions in the medical, IT, real estate, and construction materials industry areas. 

Since its establishment in 2006, PCA’s objective was to set up a solid team of experienced and highly motivated lawyers that can respond in a successful and flexible manner to the clients’ needs. Today, this team is involved in important commercial transactions and complex contracts with a significant impact on the Romanian business environment. Furthermore, the team is assisting Romanian start-up companies, consolidated local companies or important capital investors in Romania in current commercial operations, complex fiscal procedures and high-risk complex international contracts.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen is a promoter of business law in Romania, and is acknowledge, for almost 30 years, as a pioneer of the Romanian legal market. With offices in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara and Brasov, NNDKP offers full-service and integrated legal and tax advice to companies from diverse industry sectors. For the past three decades, NNDKP lawyers have provided expertise in landmark deals and projects in Romania, contributing to the evolution of the Romanian business environment, including in innovative and niche economic sectors that involved both international corporations and local entrepreneurs.
In addition, NNDKP represents Romania in some of the most prestigious international professional alliances - Lex Mundi, World Services Group - and is a founding member of the South East Europe Legal Group (SEE Legal). The firm is constantly top-ranked in all practice areas by the reputed international guides Chambers & Partners, Legal500 and IFLR 1000.






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