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Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal Romania, a leading law firm for eight practice areas in 2020 EMEA Legal 500 rankings

16 Aprilie 2020   |   BizLawyer

According to Legal 500, Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal Romania has an outstanding reputation for high-end real estate and construction advice.

Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal Romania has been once again recognized as a top law firm by the independent international publication EMEA Legal 500 in eight practice areas. The firm continues to be a tier 1 practice in real estate and construction and is also commended as a leading firm for banking and finance, commercial, corporate and M&A, employment, tax, EU and competition, PPP and procurement, as well as TMT. The ranking highlights the law firms in over 150 jurisdictions which provide the most cutting edge and innovative advice to corporate counsel and is based on research comprising feedback from 300,000 clients worldwide, submissions from law firms and interviews with leading private practice lawyers.

“My congratulations go to our partners group and the entire team. We are honoured that our commitment to clients, professional excellence and innovation is recognized by such a prestigious industry voice. I am thankful for our client’s continued trust, proud of our team’s work and also confident in our future. We operate on a platform which is stronger than ever: an outstanding client portfolio which we serve via specialists in our diverse service lines, combining our legal expertise with Deloitte tax, risk, financial advisory and consulting practices and in close cooperation with Deloitte Legal global network,” said Andrei Burz-Pinzaru, Managing Partner at Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal Romania.

According to Legal 500, Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal Romania has an outstanding reputation for high-end real estate and construction advice. The firm's lawyers have been continuously ranked tier 1 and are regularly advising on the Romania's largest real estate transactions and development projects, often involving complex corporate structures and cross-border finance. Clients include major developers, investors, retailers and lessors. Irina Dimitriu, Partner and head of the real estate practice is ranked among the Leading Individuals.

The practice stays on top also when it comes to banking and finance, where the team, led by Andrei Burz-Pinzaru, is well regarded and experienced in a diverse range of banking issues, including significant NPL portfolio sales, major acquisition financings and knowledge of cross-border regulatory and compliance issues.

The commercial, corporate and M&A practice, led by Georgiana Singurel, is appreciated for high-end transactional matters and assists in major deals in the industrial, transportation and logistics sectors, and supports a large number of clients with day-to-day commercial law advice.

On employment, Legal 500 acknowledges Reff & Associates’ advice for employers from a diverse range of sectors, including education, IT, life sciences, retail and construction, covering day-to-day matters, labour law disputes, collective bargaining agreements and the implementation of new labour codes under the Government's Emergency Ordinance. The team is led by Florentina Munteanu.

Legal 500 also acknowledges Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal Romania for its tax practice, with a team able to provide the full spectrum of tax controversy. The firm is extremely well regarded by clients and peers when it comes to tax litigation. The dispute resolution team, led by Andreea Artenie, identified as being a key name in the market, combines tax and non-tax litigation capabilities. The tax litigation team, led by Andreea Artenie and Cristi Secrieru, is combining for the benefit of the clients the outstanding legal expertise of the legal team with Deloitte Tax’s world class competencies.

On EU and competition, the ranking praises the team led by Florentina Munteanu for its experience across all areas of competition law, including investigations, compliance programmes, state aid and merger clearance.

In PPP and procurement, Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal Romania is reputed for advising private sector clients on public bids and is especially noted for assisting major public bodies and governmental departments with the related regulatory issues. The team is led by Georgiana Singurel.

In the TMT area, clients appreciate the lawyers’ advice on GDPR compliance issues, electronic signatures, IP, outsourcing, e-commerce and digital media matters. The team, led by Georgiana Singurel, also advises TMT clients on transactional issues.







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