RTPR awarded Romania Law Firm of the Year at Chambers Europe Awards 2024
26 Aprilie 2024
BizLawyerRTPR celebrates two decades of legal excellence with prestigious recognition
RTPR, one of the most important legal advisors in Romania, won “Romania Law Firm of the Year” at the Chambers Europe Awards 2024. Celebrating 20 years at the forefront of the legal profession in Romania, the award acknowledges RTPR’s achievements in the local market over the last year, and its unwavering dedication to excellence in client service.
The award was announced last night, April 25th, during a gala event held in Paris and celebrates RTPR’s strategic growth and remarkable work, but also highlights its key role in some of the most significant transactions in Romania.
“We are deeply honoured to receive such recognition, which has even greater meaning as we celebrate 20 years of activity. This award is a testament to our commitment to excellence, dedication, outstanding results across all major practice areas in which we specialise”, declared Costin Taracila, Managing Partner of RTPR.
The award was announced last night, April 25th, during a gala event held in Paris and celebrates RTPR’s strategic growth and remarkable work, but also highlights its key role in some of the most significant transactions in Romania.
“We are deeply honoured to receive such recognition, which has even greater meaning as we celebrate 20 years of activity. This award is a testament to our commitment to excellence, dedication, outstanding results across all major practice areas in which we specialise”, declared Costin Taracila, Managing Partner of RTPR.
The accolade reflects RTPR’s consistent performance at the top of legal profession, particularly noted for its extensive experience and work on the most sophisticated and complex deals in Romania and the region.
“Every mandate we handle, every transaction we successfully close – they all breathe our ethos of striving for excellence. This award granted by Chambers Europe is not just a recognition for RTPR, but also for our clients and the complexity of the projects they entrust us. Moreover, the award is a tribute to the impeccable teamwork and exceptional skills of our lawyers. The dedication, contribution and talent of each of our lawyers are reflected in this joint success,” Taracila continued.
Chambers & Partners is one of the leading independent legal publications. Every year the international legal directory conducts thorough analyses and rankings of the best law firms and lawyers in over 200 jurisdictions around the world. The entire process is based on detailed research of the market, law firms, transactions and legal teams, and includes feedback received during interviews with clients, as well as competitors, thus ensuring an exhaustive and objective assessment of the researched firms.
The awards recognise the work of national and international law firms across Europe over the past 12 months based on the research for the recent edition of Chambers Europe Guide, where RTPR’s clients appreciate their “their approach to challenging situations, and ability to look at a situation from different angles, as well as problem-solving mindset”. Another client noted: “The team has demonstrated what we would expect from a top-tier law firm: creativity, determination and resourcefulness.”
Highlights of the most significant mandates in which RTPR advised during the period analysed by Chambers include:
► MidEuropa Partners on the EUR1.3bn sale of Profi, in the largest transaction in the retail sector ever concluded in Romania
► Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, the largest Italian bank, on the acquisition of First Bank from the American private investment fund J.C. Flowers
► Regina Maria on the acquisition of a majority shareholding stake in the stomatology clinics chain Dr Leahu
► Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA) on a multicurrency financing extended to two of its Romanian subsidiaries, one of the largest electricity distribution operators in Romania
► UniCredit Bank AG on the accession to an EUR 750 million acquisition finance of 5 Romanian subsidiaries of the borrower, a market leader in medical imaging industry
► Groupama Asigurari in a competition litigation in which RTPR managed to reduce a fine imposed by the Competition Council on the insurance market, from almost 8 million euros to under 500,000, through a court decision that cannot be challenged any longer, after the rejection of three extraordinary appeals introduced by the Competition Council and ANAF (The National Agency for Fiscal Administration)
► Zenith Media Communications in a competition dispute in which the RTPR team obtained a historic victory at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), thus contributing to the creation of EU law through a win regarding the principles of how the fines applied by the competition authorities in all Member States are calculated.
RTPR is one of the most appreciated and well-known law firms in Romania. The team has unparalleled experience in various practice areas, being regularly involved in the largest and most sophisticated deals in Romania and in the region. The quality of the team and of the services they provide is recognised once again in the latest edition of Chambers Europe which was published last month, in which the law firm is included in the top tiers, while RTPR lawyers are recommended in the rankings for various practice areas, such as Corporate/M&A, Banking & finance, Dispute resolution, Competition/Antitrust, Real estate, Intellectual Property.
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