LegiTeam: Lawyer - Associate | Banking & Finance
08 Februarie 2024
LegiTeamAt Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal, you will enjoy a powerful local and global network, a dynamic and multicultural work environment and diverse thinking – all working in harmony to help you rise higher.
We are looking for an Associate to join our Banking & Finance department!
Who we are:
Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal has a team of 70 lawyers and is recognized as a leading law firm in Romania for the quality of services and ability to deliver solutions on complex legal matters. The areas of practice include banking and finance, capital markets, competition law, employment law, energy and environment law, insolvency law, legal management consulting, litigation, mergers and acquisitions, public sector, real estate.
Reff & Associates is an independent law firm in accordance with the Bucharest Bar rules and is a member of Deloitte Legal, a global network with more than 2,500 lawyers in 80 countries. The continuous and consistent involvement of Reff & Associates in landmark transactions are recognized also by the international legal guides. EMEA Legal 500 ranks Reff & Associates as a leading law firm in Romania and particularly recommends its lawyers for their expertise in Real Estate and Construction, Banking & Finance, Commercial, Corporate and M&A, Employment, Tax & Commercial Litigation, Competition Law, PPP and Public Procurement and TMT.
Who we are:
Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal has a team of 70 lawyers and is recognized as a leading law firm in Romania for the quality of services and ability to deliver solutions on complex legal matters. The areas of practice include banking and finance, capital markets, competition law, employment law, energy and environment law, insolvency law, legal management consulting, litigation, mergers and acquisitions, public sector, real estate.
Reff & Associates is an independent law firm in accordance with the Bucharest Bar rules and is a member of Deloitte Legal, a global network with more than 2,500 lawyers in 80 countries. The continuous and consistent involvement of Reff & Associates in landmark transactions are recognized also by the international legal guides. EMEA Legal 500 ranks Reff & Associates as a leading law firm in Romania and particularly recommends its lawyers for their expertise in Real Estate and Construction, Banking & Finance, Commercial, Corporate and M&A, Employment, Tax & Commercial Litigation, Competition Law, PPP and Public Procurement and TMT.
Who we're looking for:
Send us your application if you:
• Have 1-5 years’ experience in the Banking & Finance or Corporate M&A areas (involvement in transactional work is an advantage), ideally gained within an international law firm; good knowledge of the regulatory framework applicable to banks, non-banking financial institutions, payment institutions, e-money institutions etc. is a plus;
• Are a member of the Bucharest Bar with full rights (in Romanian, “avocat definitiv”);
• Have good knowledge of the LMA type credit facility documentation ;
• Possess excellent writing and communication skills in English (any other foreign language is an advantage);
• Have a sound legal reasoning, thoroughness, very good legal drafting skills;
• Are a team worker, efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable.
• Are a member of the Bucharest Bar with full rights (in Romanian, “avocat definitiv”);
• Have good knowledge of the LMA type credit facility documentation ;
• Possess excellent writing and communication skills in English (any other foreign language is an advantage);
• Have a sound legal reasoning, thoroughness, very good legal drafting skills;
• Are a team worker, efficient, good communicator, flexible and adaptable.
Discover job openings and career opportunties at LegiTeam!
Your future role:
Assisting clients on:
• Transactional financing work - Borrower's side and Lenders' side: e.g., drafting and negotiating security documentation, drafting credit / loan facility documentation (including LMA facility documentation), preparation and collection of other conditions precedent;
• Regulatory matters, such as: development of new financial products (including payments and open banking, digital financial services, electronic signature, other lending business models), set-up of branches of regulated entities (locally or abroad), obtaining several type of licenses from the competent authorities (e.g., e-money and payment institution license, non-banking financial institution license,).
• M&A deals involving regulated entities in the financial sector (due diligence; drafting and negotiation of transaction documents; inter-bank mergers (including cross-border mergers); transfer of business projects etc.), including throughout the authorization proceedings in front of the regulator (e.g., acquisition of a qualifying holding in a credit institution/non-banking financial institution)
• Trading of bank loan portfolios and set-up of servicing arrangements (structuring advice; drafting and negotiating portfolio assignment agreements, service level agreements etc.);
• Regulatory matters, such as: development of new financial products (including payments and open banking, digital financial services, electronic signature, other lending business models), set-up of branches of regulated entities (locally or abroad), obtaining several type of licenses from the competent authorities (e.g., e-money and payment institution license, non-banking financial institution license,).
• M&A deals involving regulated entities in the financial sector (due diligence; drafting and negotiation of transaction documents; inter-bank mergers (including cross-border mergers); transfer of business projects etc.), including throughout the authorization proceedings in front of the regulator (e.g., acquisition of a qualifying holding in a credit institution/non-banking financial institution)
• Trading of bank loan portfolios and set-up of servicing arrangements (structuring advice; drafting and negotiating portfolio assignment agreements, service level agreements etc.);
What we offer:
At Reff & Associates | Deloitte Legal, you will enjoy a powerful local and global network, a dynamic and multicultural work environment and diverse thinking – all working in harmony to help you rise higher.
An Associate in our Banking & Finance team:
• Works in cross-functional teams together with other Deloitte business lines (tax, risk advisory, management consulting etc.) on complex projects and for sophisticated clients in the financial sector;
• Works in international team of lawyers in the Deloitte Legal network, on cross-border engagements;
• Is deeply involved in all stages of a project, from proposal development and budgeting and throughout implementation;
• Is subject to a transparent performance review & ongoing feedback;
• Has access to the rich (both local and global) research and training resources of the Deloitte Legal network;
• Works in a very dynamic and competitive environment, which preserves an uniquely collegial culture and strives for work-life balance (e.g. in lieu of overtime hours; work from home, etc.).
• Works in international team of lawyers in the Deloitte Legal network, on cross-border engagements;
• Is deeply involved in all stages of a project, from proposal development and budgeting and throughout implementation;
• Is subject to a transparent performance review & ongoing feedback;
• Has access to the rich (both local and global) research and training resources of the Deloitte Legal network;
• Works in a very dynamic and competitive environment, which preserves an uniquely collegial culture and strives for work-life balance (e.g. in lieu of overtime hours; work from home, etc.).
Applications will be submitted on the company's platform, here:
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