AROBS consolidates its leading position in the fleet management market by acquiring Centrul de Soft GPS SR
18 Ianuarie 2023
BizLawyerAROBS Transilvania Software is listed on the AeRO market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange as of December 6, 2021. The company currently has a market capitalization of approximately 853 million lei.
AROBS Transilvania Software (BVB: AROBS), the largest technology company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, acquired Centrul de Soft GPS SRL, known on the market under the CDS brand, a Romanian company specialized in providing fleet management solutions.
"We are thrilled to start the year with yet another good news for our colleagues, partners, and investors, by signing a new M&A transaction, this time within the software product business line – fleet management of AROBS. The newly acquired entity will consolidate our position as a market leader in Romania thanks to the 1,000 new active clients that will join the more than 10,000 clients from the AROBS portfolio. Through this acquisition, we confirm the strategic importance of the software product business line, especially fleet management. In 2023, we enter the second year of AROBS on the capital market and aim to continue the accelerated growth through intense M&A activity. Also, by bringing next to us new companies, we constantly aim to increase our presence in the software products market," stated Voicu Oprean, founder and CEO of AROBS.
"We are thrilled to start the year with yet another good news for our colleagues, partners, and investors, by signing a new M&A transaction, this time within the software product business line – fleet management of AROBS. The newly acquired entity will consolidate our position as a market leader in Romania thanks to the 1,000 new active clients that will join the more than 10,000 clients from the AROBS portfolio. Through this acquisition, we confirm the strategic importance of the software product business line, especially fleet management. In 2023, we enter the second year of AROBS on the capital market and aim to continue the accelerated growth through intense M&A activity. Also, by bringing next to us new companies, we constantly aim to increase our presence in the software products market," stated Voicu Oprean, founder and CEO of AROBS.
Centrul de Soft GPS was the fleet management division of the company Centrul de Soft Pro until June 2022, when a de-merger process took place, and AROBS entirely took over the new entity created under this name. The companies did not disclose the value of the transaction. The financial position of Centrul de Soft GPS will be included in the consolidation in the balance sheet for 2022, with the financial performance to be added starting with the first month of 2023.
Centrul de Soft GPS is a company that develops ERP-type applications and provides solutions for fleet management, fleet monitoring, security applications, or recovering stolen cars. The client portfolio of Centrul de Soft GPS consists of more than 1,000 companies with approximately 9,000 monitored vehicles. Claudiu Dordea will manage the company as a CEO. He previously led this division within the Centrul de Soft Pro.
"Users from all industries appreciate the fleet management solutions developed by Centrul de Soft GPS. In the process preparation, I had the great pleasure of discovering many similarities that have now been confirmed through this transaction, by which we will bring added value to CDS GPS clients," stated Claudiu Dordea, founder and CEO of Centrul de Soft GPS.
AROBS Transilvania Software has been present in the fleet management market since 2005 through TrackGPS, the reference software product of the group. The company is now present in Europe and Asia. In 2018, AROBS acquired SAS Group, recently renamed SASFleet Tracking. In the past two months, AROBS announced the acquisition of AROBS TrackGPS Moldova and the acquisition of Centrul de Soft GPS, thus consolidating the software product business line - fleet management, of which TrackGPS and SASFleet software products are the strongest in the market.
The fleet management company from Moldova has over 450 partners in its portfolio, with 5,000 monitored vehicles, and CDS GPS – over 1,000 clients, with 9,000 vehicles registered in the platform. Thus, the business line has over 11,000 partners who use AROBS Group's fleet management solutions for 130,000 monitored vehicles.
"I am thrilled that we have been able to sign this transaction whereby AROBS has taken over the activity of providing fleet management and monitoring services provided by Centrul de Soft Pro. We intend to develop the partnership with all Centrul de Soft GPS clients and offer them a much more diversified portfolio of products and services through the digital platforms of AROBS. The consolidation of the two businesses allows us to bring added value to the digitalization processes of businesses, the electrification of car fleets, and the cost efficiency of car fleets. This new acquisition is significant for us, consolidating our position in the top 10 companies in Central and Eastern Europe and supporting us in our journey to become an increasingly renown player at the international level. Moreover, we will continue to invest in developing new solutions and propose new business models to our clients, both in the private and public sectors," stated Ovidiu Bojan, executive director of the software product business line, Fleet Management.
Since closing the private placement in October 2021, AROBS has acquired the companies Berg Software, AROBS Engineering (former business line Enea Software Development Services Romania), and the Nordlogic group. In addition, in the next period, AROBS intends to complete the acquisition of the entities from the Republic of Moldova, AROBS Software, and AROBS TrackGPS, transactions approved during the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on December 22, 2022.
AROBS Transilvania Software is listed on the AeRO market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange as of December 6, 2021. The company currently has a market capitalization of approximately 853 million lei.
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