Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

BACIU PARTNERS: Refining Integrated Legal Solutions for A Continuously Changing Business Reality

16 Mai 2024   |   BizLawyer

BACIU PARTNERS results from a transformative process triggered by the need to factor in all the feedback collected from our clients, business partners, and peers, while staying true to our need for equilibrium and stability.

Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner, BACIU PARTNERS

Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner, BACIU PARTNERS: "I have always coordinated atypical teams of lawyers, and now we are stepping up the game: we are committed to making the sound of knowledge be heard loud and clear in all initiatives we are engaged in. My personal commitment is to propose to the business community a team that consistently earns and maintains its status as a PARTNER for our clients."

BACIU PARTNERS results from a transformative process triggered by the need to factor in all the feedback collected from our clients, business partners, and peers, while staying true to our need for equilibrium and stability.

Reflecting the market strategy designed by Ana-Maria Baciu five years ago, BACIU PARTNERS emerges as a new brand that is founded on solid structures refined to be an active part of the current and future business environment. We are promoting a business partnership that expands beyond the specific expertise of our team members – we connect ideas, contribute to shaping trends, and make our distinctive voice heard, for the direct benefit of our client.

The increasingly interconnected projects that emerged from the business, scientific, and academic ecosystems have always been the point of reference to us on how legal services should be provided: with clarity, ready for immediate integration into operational structures. Thanks to our innate enthusiastic spirit amplified by our clients' trust in our outstanding services delivered in a rapid, accessible, and primarily useful manner, we have reacted to these signs.

An independent law firm, BACIU PARTNERS has robust partnerships with highly reputable international law firms. Together, we serve global corporations, blue-chip companies, and entrepreneurs, as well as the financing entities backing them, including private equity funds with interests in Romania.

Our team members have built a remarkable reputation thanks to our distinct expertise in intellectual property, consumer protection and advertising, gaming & gambling, corporate/M&A, and dispute resolution. But what sets BACIU PARTNERS apart is the ability of its exceptional team, carefully selected, to seamlessly and genuinely integrate these diverse areas of expertise to deliver remarkably valuable results with speed and proactivity. This is how the 27 lawyers, intellectual property counsels and business support professionals that form the BACIU PARTNERS team approach their role in this uncertain economic context and a continuously evolving regulatory and compliance framework.

"With the unstoppable digital transformation on the one hand and the increasing concern generated by reputational issues on the other hand, we raise the bar and reflect in each of our initiatives a coherent sound of knowledge that embraces rapid advancements in areas unthinkable until recently and that have the potential to impact each segment of the legal services that an entrepreneur or a corporation would need during the life cycle of its initiatives" Ana-Maria Baciu, added.

The philosophy of BACIU PARTNERS is that we aim to constructively question the status quo and to find different and better answers to our clients' questions. We find inspiration in exchanging ideas and empowering each team member to contribute their personality, knowledge, and skills.

"At BACIU PARTNERS, we don't just offer legal services; we immerse ourselves in our clients' projects, understanding their objectives, and delivering feasible legal alternatives infused with business acumen. To do so, we foster an environment of constructive collaboration, and an integrated business structure to proactively engage with clients. Our purpose is to earn and maintain our role as their PARTNERS" said Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner, BACIU PARTNERS.

BACIU PARTNERS is the umbrella brand for BACIU & ASOCIATII Law Firm, BACIU BENDE IP SRL, and BPARTNERS 360 REGULATORY SRL. Details about us are available at






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