CMS expands its office space and extends on a long term its lease contract at One Tower
16 Aprilie 2024
BizLawyerCMS Bucharest continues to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability through various initiatives including the elimination of single-use plastics and the implementation of a comprehensive waste recycling program. These initiatives contribute to the firm’s broader goal of reducing its environmental impact.
International law firm CMS has extended on a long term its lease contract at One Tower in Bucharest and expanded its office space by an additional 350 square meters. This extension underscores the strong partnership between CMS Romania and One United Properties, the leading green investor and developer of residential, mixed-use, and office real estate in Romania, highlighting the exceptional quality of One Tower office building and the benefits offered within the ecosystem created at One Floreasca City.
Part of the multifunctional development One Floreasca City, one of the most sustainable urban regeneration projects in Bucharest, One Tower is a Class A office building, one of the first green constructions in Romania, which has become a symbol of excellence in the heart of the city, providing not only premium office spaces but also access to a diversified range of amenities, including parks, restaurants, and commercial areas.
Part of the multifunctional development One Floreasca City, one of the most sustainable urban regeneration projects in Bucharest, One Tower is a Class A office building, one of the first green constructions in Romania, which has become a symbol of excellence in the heart of the city, providing not only premium office spaces but also access to a diversified range of amenities, including parks, restaurants, and commercial areas.
“Our relocation to One Tower two years ago was a strategic decision reflecting CMS's commitment to sustainability, wellbeing, and innovation. The superior quality and sustainability certifications of the building, together with its excellent location, make it an ideal workplace for our team. We have created a modern and dynamic space for our people which inspires collaboration, and we look forward to leveraging our newly expanded space and the enhanced facilities that One Floreasca City will offer”, stated Horea Popescu, Managing Partner of CMS Romania.
“We are delighted that CMS Romania has chosen to extend its stay at One Tower and to access a more generous space for the comfort of its employees. Our commitment to providing modern, sustainable, and employee-friendly workspaces aligns perfectly with CMS Romania's bold approach. We are confident that our long-term partnership will facilitate innovation and business success for both parties”, said Mihai Păduroiu, CEO Office Division at One United Properties.
CMS Bucharest continues to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability through various initiatives including the elimination of single-use plastics and the implementation of a comprehensive waste recycling program. These initiatives contribute to the firm’s broader goal of reducing its environmental impact.
One Tower holds the most advanced LEED certification on the Romanian market, LEED v4 at Platinum level, and is also WELL Health & Safety certified. The building offers tenants, through its excellent position, access to parks, restaurants, cafes, and shops in Floreasca area. Additionally, it has been designed with great attention to detail to create a welcoming working environment for employees, offering modern, bright spaces, using advanced technologies, with efficient heating and ventilation systems, as well as generous terraces and spectacular views of the area.
The community at One Floreasca City continues to grow as restoration works for Ford Hall progress and completion is scheduled for next year, promising even more collaboration and growth opportunities. The former Ford automotive factory in Romania, with a rich history dating back to the 1930s, whose location was chosen by Henry Ford himself, will be transformed into One Gallery - a boutique commercial gallery and unique offices with heights of up to 6 meters. This innovative project, covering an area of 13,500 square meters GLA, will blend industrial heritage with modern facilities, offering a unique experience for visitors and tenants alike. Preserving and restoring abandoned historical monuments, urban regeneration, and creating a sustainable framework for the development of dynamic communities are part of the broader strategy that One United Properties consistently pursues in the real estate development sector.
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