DLA Piper cross-practice team assisted Bank Leumi Israel to conclude in record time the agreement with First Bank
18 Aprilie 2019
BizLawyerDLA Piper cross-practice team has been led by Marian Dinu (Country Managing Partner, ranked Eminent Practitioner Corporate/M&A by Chambers&Partners) and Paula Corban-Pelin (Counsel, Corporate M&A) alongside Georgiana Stan (Managing Associate, Finance, Projects & Restructuring) and Ciprian Frandes (Associate, Corporate).
DLA Piper assisted Bank Leumi le-Israel B.M in the negotiations for concluding an agreement with First Bank to sell all the holdings in its Romanian subsidiary.
Although the agreement required complex advice, it was concluded in a very short timeframe following the long-lasting relation between Bank Leumi Israel and DLA Piper lawyers, their flexibility and notable experience of headline transactions in the Romanian and CEE market, plus the cross-practice approach involving M&A blended with Finance, Projects & Restructuring Practices.
DLA Piper Country Managing Partner Marian Dinu, who led on this transaction, said: "Our firm's M&A and banking law expertise and day-to-day involvement with the market enabled us to provide the dynamic assistance required throughout the stages of this negotiations. We always focus on the client's objectives and strive to innovate in order to achieve them efficiently. Our team, especially Paula Corban-Pelin and Georgiana Stan, to whom I would like to express my appreciation, worked around the clock to make the deal possible."
Although the agreement required complex advice, it was concluded in a very short timeframe following the long-lasting relation between Bank Leumi Israel and DLA Piper lawyers, their flexibility and notable experience of headline transactions in the Romanian and CEE market, plus the cross-practice approach involving M&A blended with Finance, Projects & Restructuring Practices.
DLA Piper Country Managing Partner Marian Dinu, who led on this transaction, said: "Our firm's M&A and banking law expertise and day-to-day involvement with the market enabled us to provide the dynamic assistance required throughout the stages of this negotiations. We always focus on the client's objectives and strive to innovate in order to achieve them efficiently. Our team, especially Paula Corban-Pelin and Georgiana Stan, to whom I would like to express my appreciation, worked around the clock to make the deal possible."
"Our excellent relationship with Bank Leumi's team as well as our deep knowledge of the sector and extensive M&A experience were the ingredients that have added to the successful signing of this deal in an extremely challenging timeframe. We are proud to have assisted Bank Leumi in this transactions and we will continue to work with them to achieve a successful closing of this transaction.", added Corporate M&A Counsel Paula Corban - Pelin.
DLA Piper cross-practice team has been led by Marian Dinu (Country Managing Partner, ranked Eminent Practitioner Corporate/M&A by Chambers&Partners) and Paula Corban-Pelin (Counsel, Corporate M&A) alongside Georgiana Stan (Managing Associate, Finance, Projects & Restructuring) and Ciprian Frandes (Associate, Corporate).
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