ELI Parks starts two new projects with a total area of 42,000 sqm, in the Northwest Bucharest logistics hub
25 Ianuarie 2023
BizLawyerThus, the hub becomes the dominant logistics scheme for Northwest Bucharest, reconfirming its attractiveness for tenants of Class A logistics premises.
ELI Parks continues the development of the hub in the Northwest of Bucharest - the Buftea Chitila area - and in the vicinity of the future A0 ring road of the Capital, with two new projects, ELI Park 4 and ELI Park 3.3, with a total area of 42,000 sqm.
The construction of the two logistics spaces represents the extension of the company's development strategy, ELI Park Bucharest reaching a total area of 140,000 sqm. For both projects, the goal is to obtain BREEAM certification, an international indicator that ensures the efficiency of the ecological performance of buildings.
Thus, the hub becomes the dominant logistics scheme for Northwest Bucharest, reconfirming its attractiveness for tenants of Class A logistics premises.
The construction of the two logistics spaces represents the extension of the company's development strategy, ELI Park Bucharest reaching a total area of 140,000 sqm. For both projects, the goal is to obtain BREEAM certification, an international indicator that ensures the efficiency of the ecological performance of buildings.
Thus, the hub becomes the dominant logistics scheme for Northwest Bucharest, reconfirming its attractiveness for tenants of Class A logistics premises.
The two buildings will be equipped with Tesla photovoltaic panels and will provide a capacity of 4MW/h, supporting the tenants' activity by making energy consumption more efficient by 30%.
Construction works for the ELI Park 4 project started in December 2022, while for ELI Park 3.3, the works will start in March 2023. Both projects will be delivered in the summer of 2023.
"We are proud of our development plan and of the agility with which we respond to the needs of our customers. Thus, ELI Park Bucharest becomes the dominant logistics hub in the Northwest area of Bucharest. We have chosen sustainable solutions for our tenants, considering cost efficiency methods for them, including the use of photovoltaic panels that will cover 30% of their consumption from renewable sources. We are confident in our current location, which is in full development and in the quality of the two projects that we will deliver this summer", says Andrei Jerca, Managing Director, ELI Parks.
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