INSCOP survey: 71.9% of Romanians interested in learning more about new technologies
06 Iulie 2022
AgerpresAccording to the survey, 27.6% of the respondents would not be interested in learning more about how new technologies work, and 0.5% do not know or did not answer.
Almost three quarters of Romanians (71.9%) say they would be interested in learning more about how new technologies work, according to an INSCOP survey conducted May 23 - June 14.
According to the survey, 27.6% of the respondents would not be interested in learning more about how new technologies work, and 0.5% do not know or did not answer.
At the same time, 17% of the respondents say that they participated in the last 12 months in training courses paid for or provided by employers in order to improve their skills, 81.1% did not attend such courses.
Almost one fifth (19.1%) of the respondents claim that they attended training courses paid by from their own money, and 80.5% that they did not attend such courses. The percentage of non-responses is 0.4%.
More than a quarter (27.5%) of the surveyed said that they had received on-the-job training under the guidance of colleagues, supervisors in the last 12 months, 70.5% answered this question in the negative, and 2% did not answer.
Asked to voice agreement with the statement "Science and technology make our lives healthier, easier and more comfortable" on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means "total disagreement" and 10 means "total agreement," 7 % of the respondents chose 1; 0.6% chose 2; 1.2% chose 3; 3.3% choose 4; 12% chose 5; 4.7% of the respondents chose 6; 7 was chosen by 10.1%; 8 by 15.8%; 9 by 8.8%, and 10 by 34.9%. The share of persons who chose 8, 9 and 10, being in high agreement, is 59.5%, indicating a high level of favorable responses. The percentage of non-responses was 1.5% of the total sample.
Asked to voice agreement with the statement "Because of science and technology, the next generation will have more possibilities for self-fulfillment" using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means "total disagreement" and 10 means "total agreement," 6.1% of respondents chose 1; 1.4% chose 2; 2.6% chose 3; 2.8% chose 4; 13.1% chose 5; 6 was chosen by 5.7% of the respondents; 7 by 9.3%; 8 by 15.7%; 9 by 7.9%, and 10 by 33.3%. The share of respondents having chosen 8, 9 and 10, which is high agreement, is 56.9%, indicating a high level of favorable responses. The percentage of non-responses was 2% of the total sample.
Asked to voice agreement with the statement "Artificial intelligence and automation will create more jobs than they eliminate" using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means "total disagreement" and 10 means "total agreement," 19. 5% of the respondents chose 1; 3.9% chose 2; 5.2% chose 3; 6.2% chose 4; 14.9% chose 5; 6 was chosen by 6, 5% of the respondents; 7 by 7.5%; 8 by 10%; 9 by 3.7%, and 10 by 20.1%. The share of people who chose 8, 9 and 10 is 33.8%, indicating a low level answers in the positive; 2.7% of respondents do not know or do not answer this question.
The survey also reveals that 38.3% of the respondents have a good opinion about the use of artificial intelligence in more and more fields of business. 41.5% have neither a good, nor a bad opinion, 18.4% have a bad opinion, 1.4% do not know or cannot say, and 0.4% did not answer. According to the survey, 43% of Romanians have a good opinion about the use of robots to simplify people's tasks at work, 27.7% have neither a good nor a bad opinion, 28.2% have a bad opinion, 0.8% do not I know or can't say, while 0.3% did not answer.
Also, 30.2% of the respondents have a good opinion about the possibility of using a brain-machine interface through a special headset that would allow remote mind control of various devices, including at work. 32.7% have neither a good nor a bad opinion about this possibility, 33.2% have a bad opinion, 3.5% do not know or cannot say, while 0.4% did not answer.
The survey also found that 47.7% of the respondents would be personally willing to work remotely through online communication applications, while 47.1% would not; 5% do not know or cannot say, and 0.3% did not answer.
The survey "Romania 2050 Agenda. A conversation about the future of Romania - Edition I" was conducted May 23 -June 14 on a sample of 1,500 respondents by computer-assisted telephone interviewing, on a sample of 1,500 people aged 18 years and over. It carries an error margin of ą 2.53%, for a 95% confidence level. The survey is divided into several chapters. Chapter V is "Perception on Science and Technology: artificial intelligence and robots; trades of the future."
The survey was conducted by INSCOP Research and commissioned by STRATEGIC Thinking Group under a research project backed by the private sector and having as academic partners the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, the Univeristy of Bucharest, the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, the Vest University of Timisoara and the Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iasi.
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