Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Promotions at RTPR

22 Ianuarie 2024   |   BizLawyer

”Congratulations to our colleagues for their outstanding performance in the projects they have managed, these promotions mark a recognition of their significant contribution to RTPR’s activity, their dedication, professionalism and talent”, said Costin Taracila, Managing Partner.

RTPR announces new promotions within its team of lawyers. Vlad Stamatescu was promoted to Counsel, Marina Fecheta-Giurgica and Cezara Urzica to Senior Associates, while Flavia Mincu and Miruna Tocileanu become Associates.

Following a remarkable year, culminating with several high-profile deals signed in the last months of 2023, I am pleased to announce a new round of promotions within our team. Congratulations to our colleagues for their outstanding performance in the projects they have managed, these promotions mark a recognition of their significant contribution to RTPR’s activity, their dedication, professionalism and talent. At the same time, they are testament to RTPR’s commitment to offer the best legal services to its clients, but also to support and develop the talent within its team. This year RTPR turns 20 years of activity. We wish to mark this anniversary with as many professional successes as possible and continue to be a reliable partner for our clients. And as one of our clients stated for Chambers Europe: “The success of any RTPR lawyer is the success of the group which makes them very strong”.”, said Costin Taracila, Managing Partner.

Vlad Stamatescu provides legal advice to local and international companies on various commercial transactions, including mergers and acquisitions, day-to-day corporate advice, incorporation, restructuring and reorganisation of companies, as well as on capital markets deals. Vlad played a key role in the mandate in which RTPR advised Sarmis Capital on the acquisition of a majority shareholding stake in BMF Grup, the largest integrated facility management company on the Romanian market. He also assisted the private equity fund Integral Venture Partners on its investment in Medima Health, a chain of medical clinics with a national presence, specialised in imaging and radiology. Vlad is recommended as Rising Star in Legal 500 rankings for Commercial, Corporate and M&A and Capital Markets practices, as well as in IFLR1000 for Capital Markets.

Marina Fecheta-Giurgica is specialised in advising domestic and international companies on commercial transactions, mergers and acquisitions and day-to-day corporate matters, as well as on capital markets matters. Recently, Marina advised private equity fund MidEuropa Partners on the EUR1.3bn sale of Profi, in the largest transaction in the retail sector ever concluded in Romania. Other significant mandates are the assistance in relation to African Industries Group’s acquisition of the fitness network World Class Romania from private equity fund Resource Partners, as well as World Class Romania on an add-on acquisition, and Arval Service Lease Romania, part of BNP Paribas Group, on the acquisition of a part of the operational leasing activity of BCR Fleet Management. The IFLR1000 legal guide recommends Marina as Rising Star for the M&A practice.

Cezara Urzica has extensive experience in advising on commercial transactions, corporate law matters, mergers and acquisitions, as well as on employment mandates involving various aspects such as problematic dismissals, collective bargaining agreements, negotiations, management incentive plans. Her recent projects include advising Macquarie Asset Management (MAM) in relation to the sale of CEZ Vanzare to Premier Energy PLC, owned by the Czech private equity fund, Emma Capital and Romcim, part of the CRH Group, on the acquisition of Bauelemente Reinvest S.R.L. and its fully owned subsidiary, Bauelemente S.R.L., the market leader manufacturer of prefabricated reinforced and prestressed concrete in Romania. Cezara is recommended in Legal 500 in the Employment section, where clients describe her as “very determined, with a high sense of responsibility, is focused on details without losing the strategic overview of the projects and has a problem solving attitude”.

Miruna Tocileanu and Flavia Mincu become Associates as a result of passing the Definitivat exam (the final qualification exam for lawyers), as well as due to the appreciation of the colleagues who mentored them during the traineeship and their involvement in many mandates. Miruna is part of the litigation / dispute resolution team focusing mainly on unfair competition and intellectual property cases, and Flavia is a member of the corporate/M&A team. Flavia and Miruna provided legal advice and representation to local and international clients in various industries.

RTPR is one of the most experienced and highly regarded law firms in Romania. The team has unparalleled experience in various practice areas, being regularly involved in the largest and most sophisticated deals in Romania and in the region. The quality of the team and of the services they provide is recognised at international level, the most important legal directories Legal 500, Chambers & Partners and IFLR1000 rank the firm on the top tier every year, while RTPR lawyers are recommended as Leading Lawyers for various practice areas, such as Corporate/M&A, Banking & finance, Capital Markets, Dispute resolution, Competition, Energy and natural resources, Real estate and Construction, Employment, Intellectual Property and TMT (Technology, media and telecom).








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