Promotions at Voicu & Asociatii: Roxana Neguțu becomes Senior Partner, new positions held within the Firm
06 Februarie 2025
B. A.Roxana Neguțu is a partner with the Firm and member of the board since 2009 with over 25 years of experience in the legal practice.
Voicu & Asociații announces the promotion of Roxana Neguțu to the position of Senior Partner as of February 01, 2025. The Firm also strengthens its team of professionals with the promotion to the position of Senior Associate of Beatrice Bălbărău and the recruitment of Ioana Zamfirescu as a new member of the team of lawyers.
“The law practice is a constantly self-renewing spiral; competent lawyers attract valuable clients, demanding clients seek quality lawyers. Our law firm has managed over time to earn its good reputation and advance in an increasingly competitive, mature and specialized market. This would not have been possible without a professional like Roxana whose constant and valuable contribution has always been appreciated by clients, colleagues and even competitors. Beatrice's promotion and the integration in our team of Ioana are part of the same line of evolution towards an even more responsible professional maturity and organizational development", said Daniel Voicu, Managing Partner of the Firm.
“The law practice is a constantly self-renewing spiral; competent lawyers attract valuable clients, demanding clients seek quality lawyers. Our law firm has managed over time to earn its good reputation and advance in an increasingly competitive, mature and specialized market. This would not have been possible without a professional like Roxana whose constant and valuable contribution has always been appreciated by clients, colleagues and even competitors. Beatrice's promotion and the integration in our team of Ioana are part of the same line of evolution towards an even more responsible professional maturity and organizational development", said Daniel Voicu, Managing Partner of the Firm.
"I am delighted to receive this recognition as a result of our achievements over the years spent together and at the same time grateful for the trust and the opportunity to be part of such a talented team. I will continue the Firm's projects in this new role with the goal of providing the best solutions for our clients and will support the growth of Voicu & Asociații's passionate professionals with whom I have been and will continue to be involved in so many challenging projects", said Roxana Neguțu, Senior Partner at the Firm.
Roxana Neguțu is a partner with the Firm and member of the board since 2009 with over 25 years of experience in the legal practice. Her portfolio includes advising clients, local and international companies as well as European Union structures, in various real estate and M&A projects, being actively involved in some of the largest transactions on the Romanian market. Roxana has considerable expertise in real estate advising clients on structuring complex transactions in all types of real estate projects, land acquisitions, project development and financing, leases, authorizations, urban planning and construction law issues, as well as various regulatory aspects concerning all phases of investments in such projects in Romania. Her practice also includes advising clients with significant presence in the Romanian retail market on compliance and consumer protection issues.
Beatrice Bălbărău has been an associate lawyer since 2016 advising international and local clients on corporate and commercial law related to their business matters in Romania, including complex acquisition projects, expansion of territorial networks, intra-group mergers and new business start-ups. Her practice also includes assisting retailers, being involved in complex projects concerning their activity on a national level, as well as providing legal advice on the EU legal framework.
Ioana Zamfirescu is a junior lawyer specialising in business law, advising on commercial law in matters such as representing companies before public authorities and registering various changes in the structure of companies and in the field of employment law and representation in court.
Voicu & Associates is a group of companies offering full-spectrum legal services, established in 2001 (initially under the name Voicu & Filipescu), being included over time among the most important law firms on the Romanian market, for the valuable assistance and expertise offered to its clients in large-scale projects regarding the local and regional business environment. The range of services offered, completed over time by specialized firms of insolvency practitioners, VF Insolvency SPRL and tax consultants, Voicu Financial & Tax Advisers SRL, advised thousands of clients, international and national companies operating in various industries.
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