Schoenherr launches the fourth edition of “law, sweet law” essay contest, with total prizes worth lei 18,000
08 Noiembrie 2024
BizLawyerAll participants in the essay contest are eligible for the law firm's paid summer internship programme of 2025.
Schoenherr și Asociații SCA invites second- and third-year law students in all Romanian universities to enter the firm's "law, sweet law" essay contest. Now in its fourth edition, the contest offers six prizes, each worth lei 3,000. The deadline for submitting essays is 10 January 2025 and winners will be announced in February 2025. All participants in the essay contest are eligible for the law firm's paid summer internship programme of 2025.
"Our essay contest is an excellent platform for us to meet talented students who share our passion for law. Most of our summer interns and some of our junior lawyers joining the firm in the past few years participated in the contest. We are glad to launch the fourth edition of "law, sweet law" and look forward to reading this round of essays." – said Ana Lupșor, HR Manager at Schoenherr și Asociații SCA.
"Our essay contest is an excellent platform for us to meet talented students who share our passion for law. Most of our summer interns and some of our junior lawyers joining the firm in the past few years participated in the contest. We are glad to launch the fourth edition of "law, sweet law" and look forward to reading this round of essays." – said Ana Lupșor, HR Manager at Schoenherr și Asociații SCA.
To enter the contest, law students are invited to write an essay on any of the following six topics:
1. Banking & finance | The mortgagor's insolvency/ bankruptcy/ deregistration from the Trade Register. Remedies and implications on the execution of the mortgage contract
2. Competition | The abuse of dominant position and of superior bargaining position in trading practices. Comparative analysis between Romania and other EU member states
3. Corporate/M&A | The possibility to issue different classes of shares in joint stock companies in Romania
4. Dispute resolution | Consider the situation of a real estate developer (i) who has entered promises of sale in respect of a real estate it develops, (ii) was then sued by the buyers for a judgment to be given by the court in lieu of contract and (iii) whose general insolvency proceedings under Law No 85/2014 have been opened. Analyze the effects that the opening of insolvency proceedings will have on the buyers in the context of the dispute for a judgment in lieu of a contract, including possible suspension following the opening of insolvency proceedings, type of claim with which the buyer can register, etc
5. Energy | Pros and cons for an accelerated energy transition toward the zero emissions energy mix
6. Real estate | Means of defending property rights. Legal instruments, remedies, and strategies available for property owners to dismiss claims for the annulment or challenging of their ownership title, such as good faith, acquisitive statute of limitation, statute of limitation regarding the right to request amendments be made in the land register, safety of the legal circuit etc.
2. Competition | The abuse of dominant position and of superior bargaining position in trading practices. Comparative analysis between Romania and other EU member states
3. Corporate/M&A | The possibility to issue different classes of shares in joint stock companies in Romania
4. Dispute resolution | Consider the situation of a real estate developer (i) who has entered promises of sale in respect of a real estate it develops, (ii) was then sued by the buyers for a judgment to be given by the court in lieu of contract and (iii) whose general insolvency proceedings under Law No 85/2014 have been opened. Analyze the effects that the opening of insolvency proceedings will have on the buyers in the context of the dispute for a judgment in lieu of a contract, including possible suspension following the opening of insolvency proceedings, type of claim with which the buyer can register, etc
5. Energy | Pros and cons for an accelerated energy transition toward the zero emissions energy mix
6. Real estate | Means of defending property rights. Legal instruments, remedies, and strategies available for property owners to dismiss claims for the annulment or challenging of their ownership title, such as good faith, acquisitive statute of limitation, statute of limitation regarding the right to request amendments be made in the land register, safety of the legal circuit etc.
Details of participation conditions, general and specific essay writing requirements and how to apply are available in the contest regulation at the following link:
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