Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

New senior hires boost Kinstellar Bucharest’s already market-leading real estate practice

09 Noiembrie 2023   |   BizLawyer

Victor Constantinescu, Managing Partner in Bucharest and Co-head of the firm-wide real estate practice: “Their previous experience, market knowledge and reputation make them an important resource for our real estate, energy and regulatory teams in Bucharest, and we’re really excited to have them aboard!”

Kinstellar has announced the additions of Corina Stanciu (Senior Associate) and Cristiana Mic-Soare (Special Counsel) to the Bucharest office’s real estate service line, thus even further strengthening the firm’s market-leading expertise in real estate and related sectors.

Corina Stanciu joined the team as a Senior Associate. She has years of experience: she has assisted real estate investors and developers on real estate transactions, project development and construction permitting, covering the full range of business sectors: commercial / retail, office, industrial, logistics, residential, agriculture, renewable energy.

She advised on day-to-day real estate, construction, regulatory, corporate, as well as environmental law matters.

Corina holds a B.A. from the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, and a masters degree in medical law. She joined us from the real estate & construction department of an international law firm where she worked since 2019; before that, she worked for a number of local firms over the course of her career.

Cristiana Mic (more than ten years of experience) brings valuable insight and know-how to all that is real estate and is versatile. She has coordinated complex due diligence for numerous acquisitions and sales of agricultural land, office buildings, retail premises and logistics warehouses in Romania, as well as renewable energy projects.

Her expertise also extends to numerous regulatory matters, including environmental law, where she holds a Ph.D. from the University of Bucharest.  

Cristiana graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest and earned also a LL.M. from University College London.  Prior to joining Kinstellar, Cristiana was a senior lawyer at various firms, but initially started her career with Kinstellar in 2011–2012.

Victor Constantinescu, Managing Partner in Bucharest and Co-head of the firm-wide real estate practice, comments: “Corina and Cristiana are great additions to our real estate team. Joining our existing fantastic colleagues, we really enjoy the vibe and feedback of this wonderful team, which I firmly believe is among the best in Romania. Their previous experience, market knowledge and reputation make them an important resource for our real estate, energy and regulatory teams in Bucharest, and we’re really excited to have them aboard!”

Corina Stanciu mentions: “I am very happy and excited to be part of the real estate practice of Kinstellar Bucharest. I am confident that together we will leverage our combined expertise and offer legal advice at the highest standards to major players active or investing in Romania.”

Cristiana Mic-Soare adds: “Honoured and excited to embark on this new journey with Kinstellar in Romania. Their commitment to excellence and innovation, as well as their open-minded client-oriented views align perfectly with my values. I look forward to contributing my experience and passion to the fantastic team here and to continue to grow together.”







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