- 1. Gabriel Albu iese din asocierea cu Ovidiu Budușan după 12 ani de colaborare. Albu Legal, un nou jucător puternic în practica de ”business crime” (85505)
- 2. Cu ce firme internaționale s-au aliat casele locale de avocați și ce onorarii au cerut pentru IPO-ul Hidroelectrica. Stratulat Albulescu a câștigat selecția și gestionează juridic proiectul achiziției activelor CEZ (82610)
- 3. Ce firme de avocați a selectat Ministerul Finanțelor pentru participarea la proiectul ce presupune asistență consistentă în baza dreptului englez. Contract pe 3 ani, tarife orare de 2.200 lei (79981)
- 4. 2021 Tax Controversy Leaders | Cei mai buni avocați români specializați în controverse fiscale, evidențiați de ITR (World Tax) (75435)
- 5. Cine sunt campionii pieței locale, evidențiați în ultimul clasament IP Stars 2020 | Cei mai buni profesioniști în copyright, brevete și mărci industriale: ZRVP și Simion & Baciu au cele mai multe recomandări, Mușat & Asociații și NNDKP, pe podium (60715)
- 6. 11 români intră în liga celor mai apreciați specialiști, la nivel global, în domeniul mărcilor. Cine apare în WTR Global Leaders 2020 (58929)
- 7. Duncea, Ștefănescu & Asociații câștigă definitiv un litigiu de referință în materia obligațiilor fiscale privind gestionarea ambalajelor și a deșeurilor din ambalaje (54473)
- 8. 15 firme și 28 de persoane fizice din 7 țări cheamă România la ICSID, în al nouălea arbitraj al țării noastre la Washington. Reclamanții au investit în parcuri fotovoltaice (51130)
- 9. Cei mai buni avocaţi în domeniul mărcilor, remarcați de WTR 1000, ediția 2021. Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații, lider pe segmentele analizate, o buna expunere pentru Mușat, Simion & Baciu sau ZRVP (50771)
- 10. Situație “excepțională” în arbitrajul ICSID legat de Roșia Montană. Tribunalul admite o „nouă cerere” introdusă de reclamanți, cu mai multe variante de obținere a unor compensații (49419)

The Romanian Academy, represented by Popescu & Asociatii, secures a significant ...The resolution of this intricate case was made possible by the legal expertise of Popescu & Asociatii, which ... Green Deal and “Drill, Baby, Drill”In this complicated international political context, the policy makers both at EU level and in Romania will ... RTPR advises Integral Capital Group on Embryos investmentIn 2022, RTPR has assisted the private equity fund on its investment in Medima Health, a chain of medical ... Promotions at Voicu & Asociatii: Roxana Neguțu becomes Senior Partner, new positions held within the Firm![]() Voicu & Asociații announces the promotion of Roxana Neguțu to the position of Senior Partner as of February 01, 2025. The Firm also strengthens its team of professionals with the promotion to the position of Senior Associate of Beatrice Bălbărău and the recruitment of Ioana Zamfirescu as a new member of the team of lawyers. “The law practice is a constantly self-renewing spiral; competent lawyers attract valuable clients, demanding clients seek quality lawyers. B. A. CMS advised DRI on landmark physical power purchase agreements with OMV Petrom in Romania![]() CMS has advised DRI, the EU renewables arm of Ukrainian private energy company DTEK, on the physical power purchase agreements (PPA) signed with OMV Petrom, for three solar projects. This is Romania’s largest-ever PPA transaction to date and it is based on the EFET (European Federation of Energy Traders) template contract adapted for the Romanian legal and regulatory framework, a project CMS also advised on at the time. CMS devised bespoke mechanisms to seamlessly coordinate the scheduling and delivery of electricity and guarantees of origin from three geographically distinct DRI solar plants while addressing contingencies and risks across their development, construction, and operation. BizLawyer |

Schoenherr announces local and international promotions
Schoenherr și Asociații SCA announces a new round of promotions: as of 1 February 2025, Monica Cojocaru - previously local partner - becomes a partner in the international structure of the Schoenherr Group, while Loredana Barbu, Francesca Buta and Alexandra Păduraru are promoted to senior attorney at law in the Bucharest team.

Clifford Chance Badea added 15 lawyers to its team in 2024, following the fastest rate of growth and recruitment in recent years
Clifford Chance Badea, the local office of global law firm Clifford Chance, has recruited 15 lawyers over the past year, reaching a team of more than 45 lawyers, amid a significant increase in Clifford Chance local projects and multi-jurisdictional mandates in which Bucharest office lawyers actively participate.

CMS Emerging Europe M&A 2024 ̸ 25 report: Emerging Europe deal activity rebounds, reaching highest levels since 2018
Findings from the CMS Emerging Europe M&A 2024/25 report, published today in cooperation with EMIS, demonstrate the resilience of the Emerging Europe deal market as activity rose to the highest levels since 2018.
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CMS | Navigating criminal liability risks for generative AI companies
AI generative technology has revolutionised industries, advancing content creation, automation, and innovation, but its rapid adoption introduces criminal liability risks for developers, providers, and users.

Romanian M&A market evolution during 2024
The Romanian mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market saw robust activity in 2024, recording 265 transactions1 with an estimated value of US$ 6.

Filip & Company becomes the first independent CEE law firm to adopt Harvey
Filip & Company is proud to announce the adoption of Harvey, becoming the first law firm in Romania and the first leading independent firm in CEE to integrate this state-of-the-art generative AI platform designed specifically for the legal industry.

Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații Promotes a New Equity Partner
Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații announces the promotion of Șerban Pâslaru to Equity Partner.

Promotion at RTPR: Energy expert Bogdan Cordos is promoted to Partner at RTPR
RTPR announces the promotion of Bogdan Cordos to Partner.He joins the team of 8 partners consisting of Costin Taracila, Victor Padurari, Alexandru Retevoescu, Mihai Ristici, Valentin Berea, Roxana Ionescu, Alina Stavaru and Cosmin Tilea.

Iablonschi & Asociații Joins Marcalliance, Strengthening Its Global Network and Eastern European Presence
Iablonschi & Asociații is proud to announce its appointment as a Romanian member of Marcalliance, a distinguished international network of independent law and tax firms.
Promotions at Voicu & Asociatii: Roxana Neguțu becomes Senior Partner, new positions held within the Firm
CMS advised DRI on landmark physical power purchase agreements with OMV Petrom in Romania
The Romanian Academy, represented by Popescu & Asociatii, secures a significant victory in a complex restitution case
Green Deal and “Drill, Baby, Drill”
RTPR advises Integral Capital Group on Embryos investment
Schoenherr announces local and international promotions
Clifford Chance Badea added 15 lawyers to its team in 2024, following the fastest rate of growth and recruitment in recent years
Cushman & Wakefield Echinox assisted MAS PLC in the disposal of its strip malls portfolio in Romania to M Core Group
CMS Emerging Europe M&A 2024 ̸ 25 report: Emerging Europe deal activity rebounds, reaching highest levels since 2018
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