Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

NNDKP assists a syndicate of banks in connection with a 84.5 million lei financing granted to Rodbun Group

20 Aprilie 2021   |   BizLawyer

The NNDKP team was coordinated by Valentin Voinescu, Partner in the Banking and Finance practice, and included Alexandru Ciambur and Cătălina Dan, Associates in the same practice.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) successfully assisted a syndicate of banks consisting of Banca Comercială Română (as Documentation Agent, Facility Agent and Security Agent), CEC Bank, Raiffeisen Bank and Banca Românească in connection with a lei 84.5 million (approximately EUR 17.2 million) financing granted to Rodbun Group, one of the leading agro-business companies in Romania.

Rodbun is a company-integrator of agricultural products and solutions, having an entirely Romanian capital and established in 2002. The company will use the syndicated loan to cover the company’s working capital needs.

The loan benefits from a guarantee issued by EximBank under the Government Financing Support Program for Large Companies, which is one of the highest guarantees granted under this program.

The NNDKP team was coordinated by Valentin Voinescu, Partner in the Banking and Finance practice, and included Alexandru Ciambur and Cătălina Dan, Associates in the same practice.

“2020 was a big challenge for all of us, given the economic and health crises caused by COVID 19. The difficulties experienced by the companies operating in the agricultural sector were even more dramatic due to the manifestation of the pedological drought. Under these circumstances, the guarantee granted under the Government Financing Support Program for Large Companies was an opportunity for Rodbun group, because it created the premises for keeping a commitment: supporting farmers in a time of crisis. It was an honor for us to sign this transaction with the three bank partners and we were pleased to be able to rely on the professionalism and efficiency of the NNDKP team”, stated Ana Maria Samuilă, Head of Agribusiness Department, BCR.

“Our team is pleased to having been able to contribute to the successful closing of this complex transaction in an extremely important sector for Romania, the agricultural sector. This transaction represents yet another major step in supporting the development of Romanian companies and the increase of the competitiveness in the agricultural field, and shows the banks’ active commitment in funding viable companies and projects”, stated Valentin Voinescu, Partner at NNDKP.

NNDKP’s recent portfolio in the field of syndicated loans offered in support of the agribusiness sector in Romania includes some of the most substantial credit facilities granted over the last two years on the local market, such as:
•    the financing in the amount of approximately EUR 55 million granted to Rodbun group in 2019,
•    the credit facility in the amount of approximately EUR 90 million granted in 2020 to Carmistin group, one of the leading players on the agrozootechnical market in Romania, and
•    the financing of EUR 324 million granted in 2019 to Ameropa (Azomures SA, Ameropa Grains SA and Chimpex SA), operating in the fertilizers, seeds and pesticides sector.

The NNDKP banking and finance team is constantly involved in complex projects concerning corporate finance, project finance, acquisitions of financial institutions and international and local companies, or public sector finance. Over the last three years alone, the members of the team were involved in financing transactions amounting to more than EUR 3.5 billion in sectors such as agribusiness, energy, real estate, infrastructure, FMCG, production or technology.

Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen is a promoter of business law in Romania and has been acknowledged, for more than 30 years, as a pioneer of the Romanian legal market. NNDKP offers full-service and integrated legal and tax advice to companies from diverse industry sectors. For the past three decades, NNDKP lawyers have provided expertise in landmark deals and projects in Romania, contributing to the evolution of the Romanian business environment, including in innovative and niche economic sectors that involved both international corporations and local entrepreneurs.
NNDKP represents Romania in some of the most prestigious international professional alliances - Lex Mundi, World Services Group, International Attorneys Club - and is a founding member of SEE Legal. The firm is constantly top-ranked in all practice areas by the renowned international guides Chambers & Partners, Legal500 and IFLR 1000.






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