NNDKP promotes 12 lawyers and consultants in the latest round of promotions
12 Martie 2025
BizLawyerThis new round of promotions is the result of an internal evaluation process and reflects our colleagues’ outstanding performance over the past year and their significant contribution to the development of their areas of practice.
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During this round of promotions, Cristina Bidiga (Cluj-Napoca office), Ioana Cioclei (Dispute Resolution), Emanuel Flechea (Corporate/M&A, Enegy and Natural Resources), Alexandru Lăcureanu (Dispute Resolution), Alexandra Măruțoiu (Dispute Resolution), Răzvan Savin (Dispute Resolution), Mădălina Vasile (Environment), are promoted to Senior Managing Associate, Mihaela Ceaușescu (Dispute Resolution) and Andreea Șovar (Dispute Resolution) are promoted to Managing Associate, while Răzvan Banța (Dispute Resolution) and Laurențiu Neacșu (Corporate/M&A, Energy and Natural Resources) join the team of senior lawyers. Moreover, Andreea Codrea (Tax) is named Senior Tax Manager.
This new round of promotions is the result of an internal evaluation process and reflects our colleagues’ outstanding performance over the past year and their significant contribution to the development of their areas of practice. The promotions also align with firm’s growth plans and reinforce commitment to support professional development and career advancement.
Cristina Bidiga has 24 years of professional experience in the legal field. She has been part of NNDKP Cluj-Napoca team since 2011, focusing her practice on labour law and dispute resolution matters. She assists clients in insolvency proceedings, labour disputes, contractual liabilty and administrative disputes. She mainly assists clients from banking, automotive, IT and construction industries.
Ioana Cioclei has eleven years of professional experience. She specializes in civil and commercial litigation, as well as administrative cases, bringing a deep understanding of complex legal matters. Beyond her expertise in civil and commercial disputes, she has developed a strong focus on insolvency cases, competition law, and intellectual property. Ioana represents a diverse portfolio of clients, including leaders in the automotive industry, energy and natural resources corporations, top banking institutions, real estate developers, logistics firms, and renowned retail brands. Ioana has been part of the NNDKP team since 2014.
Emanuel Flechea is a lawyer specializing in M&A, energy, and natural resources, with over ten years of experience. He primarily assists clients in highly regulated industries, where compliance with legislation is essential, contributing to the development and implementation of innovative and sustainable solutions. He provides strategic advice on energy projects, including energy transition initiatives, as well as assistance in various projects in renewable energy, natural resources, gas and oil (including offshore), and carbon capture and storage. He is actively involved in legal assistance for public consultation processes on legislative projects, contributing to drafting and improving the regulatory framework. He has been part of the NNDKP team since 2014.
Alexandru Lăcureanu has over eleven years of professional experience in dispute resolution, handling high-impact disputes before national courts and international arbitration panels. He has secured victories in numerous high-profile cases across various industrial sectors, including agriculture, construction, automotive, manufacturing, oil, IT, food industry and energy. Renowned for his strategic expertise in managing complex cases, Alexandru excels in problem-solving and anticipating risks while crafting comprehensive case strategies. He has been part of the NNDKP team since 2013.
Alexandra Măruțoiu has over ten years of experience in dispute resolution, specializing in arbitration, civil and commercial litigation, as well as administrative disputes. Her main areas of expertise include litigation related to the conclusion and execution of public procurement contracts, enforcement proceedings, insolvency procedures and debt recovery, competition disputes. Throughout her career, she has primarily assisted clients in sectors such as civil and industrial construction, road and railway infrastructure, water and waste management. She specializes in resolving conflicts arising from the execution of FIDIC contracts or those concluded under Government Decision No. 1/2018. She has been part of the NNDKP team since 2014.
Răzvan Savin has ten years of experience in litigation matters. He specializes in civil and contractual liability, complex insolvency procedures, the civil side of criminal proceedings, administrative disputes, labor law and intellectual property litigation. Razvan was involved in disputes concerning data protection aspects, liability for environmental damages, challenging acts issued by anti-fraud bodies, anti-competitive practices and state aid. He has been part of NNDKP’s team since 2014.
Mădălina Vasile coordinates NNDKP’s environmental practice and has extensive experience in highly sophisticated environmental matters. Her expertise covers a wide range of environmental issues, including permitting requirements at all stages of a project or activity that has an environmental impact, emissions trading schemes, waste management, environmental liability (including for historical pollution), environmental implications in mergers and acquisitions. She also has extensive experience in dealing with environmental litigation, having been involved in several high-profile lawsuits, as well as authorities’ controls and inspections and other regulatory matters. She has been part of the NNDKP team since 2016.
Mihaela Ceaușescu has 17 years of professional experience. Her expertise covers commercial law disputes, including representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers, banking and corporate disputes, law of the sea, state aid, as well as administrative and fiscal disputes, and insolvency procedures. She also assists clients in restitution and in land ownership disputes, in major cases concerning the national energetic system and the recyclable materials. She represented clients before Romanian courts of all levels as well as before the Court of Justice of the European Union in preliminary ruling procedures requested in connection with the interpretation of the EU law. She has been part of the NNDKP team since 2012.
Andreea Șovar has nine years of professional experience in dispute resolution. She specializes in administrative litigation, with a particular focus on disputes related to the authorization procedure for construction works or raising sensitive issues of urban planning law. She has considerable experience in representing clients from the real estate, energy and natural resources or financial-banking sectors in complex civil and commercial litigation, tax disputes, as well as disputes arising from insolvency proceedings or foreclosure proceedings. She joined the NNDKP team in 2016.
Răzvan Banța is a dispute resolution lawyer with solid experience in handling complex intellectual property litigation. His practice covers matters related to the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, including disputes over patents, trademarks, copyrights, and unfair competition. Răzvan has significant expertise in disputes within the pharmaceutical, construction, and energy industries, assisting top companies in high-value commercial litigation, administrative disputes, and international arbitration proceedings. He also assists clients in disputes related to competition law matters. Furthermore, Răzvan is an industrial property counselor. He has been part of the NNDKP team since 2019.
Laurențiu Neacșu has more than four years of professional experience, specializing in general commercial law matters, mergers and acquisitions, energy law, in particular oil and gas industry matters, consumer protection and gaming matters. He assists clients across a wide range of industries in complex projects, covering due diligence analyses, corporate governance matters, assessments of the regulatory framework and legal implications, as well as the analysis and drafting of various types of agreements, including those specific to regulated sectors. Laurențiu has been part of the NNDKP team since 2020.
Andreea Codrea has eight years of professional experience in tax consultancy. Her expertise covers general tax advisory services, tax review and audit, due diligence, tax compliance, assistance in dealings with tax authorities, and support in tax litigation. She provides consultancy to clients from various industries, mainly in the financial sector, energy and natural resources, manufacturing, and real estate sectors. Andreea is a certified tax consultant.
Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen is a promoter of business law in Romania with more than 35 years of experience, independently acknowledged as a pioneer of the Romanian legal market. NNDKP offers full-service and integrated legal and tax advice to companies from diverse industry sectors. For the past three decades, NNDKP lawyers have provided expertise in landmark deals and projects in Romania, contributing to the evolution of the Romanian business environment.
NNDKP represents Romania in some of the most prestigious international professional alliances - Lex Mundi, World Services Group, International Attorneys Club - and is a founding member of SEE Legal and Three Seas Legal Alliance. The firm is constantly top ranked in all practice areas by the renowned international guides Chambers & Partners, The Legal 500 and IFLR 1000. NNDKP is a 6-time winner of the “Romania Law Firm of the Year” award at the Chambers Europe Awards gala.
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