Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații advised OMV Petrom on successfully completing four “green” transactions in Romania
09 Decembrie 2024
BizLawyerThe assistance included legal due diligence on the companies and assets involved, as well as drafting and negotiating the documentation related to the four transactions.
Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații provided legal assistance to OMV Petrom in relation to four major renewable energy transactions, probably the most extensive and complex step in this direction taken by a company on the local market.
Two of the transactions were concluded with RNV Infrastructure, involving the acquisition of operating assets for “green” energy generation (wind and hydro projects) and the completion of a 50%/50% partnership with RNV in Electrocentrale Borzești SRL, which is developing several wind parks and has completed a solar park.
In addition, Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații assisted OMV Petrom in implementing the acquisition of a network of approximately 400 charging points for electric vehicles from Res Terranet Holding, as well as in establishing and completing a 50%/50% partnership with this company. Such partnership concerns Tenersolar Park SRL, Enerintens Solar SRL, and CIL PV Plant SRL, companies that are developing solar parks.
Two of the transactions were concluded with RNV Infrastructure, involving the acquisition of operating assets for “green” energy generation (wind and hydro projects) and the completion of a 50%/50% partnership with RNV in Electrocentrale Borzești SRL, which is developing several wind parks and has completed a solar park.
In addition, Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații assisted OMV Petrom in implementing the acquisition of a network of approximately 400 charging points for electric vehicles from Res Terranet Holding, as well as in establishing and completing a 50%/50% partnership with this company. Such partnership concerns Tenersolar Park SRL, Enerintens Solar SRL, and CIL PV Plant SRL, companies that are developing solar parks.
The assistance included legal due diligence on the companies and assets involved, as well as drafting and negotiating the documentation related to the four transactions. Also, the team advised on defining the framework for cooperation between OMV Petrom and RNV Infrastructure, as well as with Res Terranet Holding, for the development of several solar and wind parks in the coming years.
"We are honoured by the trust that OMV Petrom has placed in our team by involving us in this project which is important not only from the perspective of its high investment value, but also for its significant impact on a sustainable local development. For me, this was the most complex M&A project I have worked on in my career of + 20 years. It required a multidisciplinary team of lawyers from our firm, with top expertise in real estate, energy, permitting, and finance - to name but a few key areas. I am proud of the exceptional work and flawless alignment of our team for delivering the client’s goals” said Silvana Ivan, Partner, who was involved in negotiating and drafting the transaction documents.
The legal team was led by Cornel Popa (Partner), Silvana Ivan (Partner), Alexandra Pereș (Partner), and Nisa Jecu (Managing Associate).
Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații is one of the largest independent law firms in Romania, providing legal assistance services in all areas of business law. It is also the top-ranked law firm in the Legal 500 EMEA directory, holding the highest position in most of the analysed practice areas. Overall, Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații is one of Romania’s leading law firms, valued by both clients and peers for its ability to deliver innovative yet practical legal solutions.
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