Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații and The Legal 500 launch the second edition of the GC Powerlist Romania

29 Noiembrie 2024   |   BizLawyer

Following last year’s inaugural edition’s success, GC Powerlist Romania 2024 now features an increased number of in-house lawyers.

The second edition of GC Powerlist Romania was launched yesterday in the presence of some of Romania’s most successful corporate counsels. The GC Powerlist project is part of The Legal 500 series with the Romanian law firm – Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații – as an exclusive sponsor.

GC Powerlist highlights the world’s most innovative and influential general counsels who made a demonstrable impact on their team, company or industry through innovative approaches to their everyday work.

Following last year’s inaugural edition’s success, GC Powerlist Romania 2024 now features an increased number of in-house lawyers. As such, no less than 132 general counsels have been singled out for their achievements as legal heads, further to a comprehensive research process, which includes nominations, background research and interviews.

Speaking about the research, Francisco Castro, Research Director GC Powerlist Series, said: “The Legal 500 is proud to present the GC Powerlist: Romania 2024, celebrating the remarkable achievements of the nation’s leading in-house legal professionals. Developed in exclusive partnership with Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații, this year’s edition reflects months of in-depth research and analysis, shining a spotlight on their expertise, adaptability, and innovative strategies for navigating Romania’s dynamic legal landscape. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to these exceptional individuals, whose contributions continue to drive business success and shape the country’s corporate legal community.”

On the occasion, Gabriel Zbârcea, Managing Partner at Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații said: “Perhaps it is no coincidence that this year's edition of the GC Powerlist takes place on Thanksgiving. I personally am grateful and would like to thank Legal 500 for this unique partnership and for the opportunity to celebrate the work of the in-house lawyers in Romania. Visionaries, strategists and innovators, they transform law and business every day. We congratulate all honourees included in the GC Powerlist Romania and we are confident that more and more General Counsels and Chief Legal Officers will be recognised in future editions as to provide an even more complete picture of today's legal talent.”

Also, Romanian entrepreneur Dragoș Anastasiu, key-note speaker at GC Powerlist Romania 2024, welcomed the initiative of the Legal 500 and Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații to showcase country’s most valuable legal professionals, while urging and encouraging them to act in order to continuously transform the framework in which they operate: “I would like to praise this initiative, I am truly honoured to be here! I hear so many times that the laws are bad, but it is in our hands to do something, you are the ones who can bring about a change. We built the legal system, we can change it. The idea that "it can't be done" doesn't exist. Romania can be transformed in a sustainable manner, starting with the justice system. Thank you for inviting me, Legal 500 and Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații!".

The findings of GC Powerlist Romania are available to view online via The Legal 500 website https://www.legal500.com/gc-powerlist/romania-2024/







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