Legiteam | Cherciu & Co is looking for two Junior ̸ Mid - Level Lawyers
16 Octombrie 2024
LegiTeamIf you want to join our team, send us your CV at: office@cherciuandco.com
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Cherciu & Co is looking for two Junior / Mid - Level Lawyers.
Job description:
M&A / Corporate Lawyer
● Be actively engaged in a variety of high-impact investment rounds in the most promising startups on the Romanian, European and USA markets
● Assist both startups and investment funds (registered in the EU, USA, Canada and Asia) with their investment rounds
● Work directly with all relevant stakeholders, including investment and business managers
Commercial / IP / AI regulation Lawyer
● Represent some of the most advanced and cutting-edge technology companies
● Assist our clients in negotiating their biggest deals with clients in the EU and the USA
Job description:
M&A / Corporate Lawyer
● Be actively engaged in a variety of high-impact investment rounds in the most promising startups on the Romanian, European and USA markets
● Assist both startups and investment funds (registered in the EU, USA, Canada and Asia) with their investment rounds
● Work directly with all relevant stakeholders, including investment and business managers
Commercial / IP / AI regulation Lawyer
● Represent some of the most advanced and cutting-edge technology companies
● Assist our clients in negotiating their biggest deals with clients in the EU and the USA
● Among others, we’re glad to share our unparalleled experience gained while assisting UiPath in licensing their products to some of the biggest companies in the USA
● Work on niche technology related matters and deal with some of the most unique commercial, IP and regulatory (such as AI regulation) projects
What we need from you:
● Bar certificate
● Strong academic track record
● Preferably (at least) 1 year of experience in the relevant field/opening, based on the indications above. However, we're also looking forward to working with and training recent graduates
● English and Microsoft Office proficiency
● Analytical thinking and excellent research skills
● Strong organizational skills, with the ability to manage multiple projects
● Excellent communication skills, with a client-focused approach
Discover job openings and career opportunties at LegiTeam!
What we offer:
● Competitive salary
● Work in a dynamic, curios and professional team
● A chance to grow and build your skills by participating in and presenting at technology and law related workshops and conferences
● 1 happy (free) Friday every 2 months
● Office in the heart of Bucharest
● Free snacks and drinks - including specialty coffee and tea
● Excellent networking opportunities
About us:
Cherciu & Co is a Bucharest based law firm specialized in technology and investment law. Works with tech companies, investors and entrepreneurs – from early setup, to exit or IPO and everything in between. We proudly advise VCs, hedge funds, unicorns.
Our expertise is focused on corporate, M&A, convertibles, flips, financing rounds, ESOP, AI and data governance and compliance, IP, contracts, software development and licensing matters.
If you want to join our team, send us your CV at: office@cherciuandco.com
Discover job openings and career opportunties at LegiTeam!
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