Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Citu: We aim to stimulate American economic presence in Romania as consistent as possible

02 Iulie 2021   |   Agerpres

The Prime Minister stressed that the consistent development of the economic and investment dimension of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the USA is a major priority for the Government.

Prime Minister Florin Citu declared on Thursday, at the reception offered by the US Embassy on the occasion of Independence Day, that the Government aims to stimulate a more consistent American economic presence in Romania.
We will maintain the strategic cooperation between Romania and the USA at the highest level by taking advantage of the opportunities arising from our common vision on the dimension of defense, energy security, sustainable economic recovery. At the same time, strengthening resilience and strengthening transatlantic relations beyond us. The security plan and the importance of increasing the US military presence in our country, the Romanian Government aims to encourage and stimulate a US economic presence as consistent as possible in Romania, including the development of energy sources, including nuclear, Prime Minister Florin Citu said.
He said that the recent adoption of the Law ratifying the intergovernmental agreement between Romania and the USA on the civilian nuclear field must signal the acceleration of the configuration of large-scale projects, capable of providing an additional strategic anchor to the bilateral relationship.
The Prime Minister stressed that the consistent development of the economic and investment dimension of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the USA is a major priority for the Government.
Citu added that the Government will do this by promoting policies that provide predictability, transparency and reduction of bureaucratic burdens, the elimination of bureaucracy. Together with my colleagues in the Government we are engaged in a collective effort to demonstrate that the Romanian Government is a reliable partner. Such a relationship is essential for realizing the huge development potential that Romania has.
He also highlighted the fact that the Government supports the development and consolidation of the Strategic Partnership with the USA.
The Prime Minister also stated that a secure, stable and successful Romania is a strategic goal for him and his Government.
The head of government recalled that he spent more than ten years in the United States, where he studied and worked.
There are many lessons we learn from US history, but there are some we should use here in Romania today as well. First of all, I think that the fact that private property is sacrosanct remains a basis of democracy and should be a lesson for Romania, we should adopt that. Secondly, it is the fact that entrepreneurs, the people who develop their own companies, try, fail, try again and are the heroes of such an economy, they are appreciated in the USA and should do this in Romania as well. If we do these things, I am convinced that Romania will have a great future, Citu also stated.






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