EY Romania and denkstatt join forces to become the leading sustainability consulting company
23 Aprilie 2024
BizLawyer· EY has just completed the acquisition of denkstatt for the most important consultancy area today and tomorrow – sustainability · denkstatt becomes part of the EY network in Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia
Starting today, denkstatt becomes part of the EY network – both in Romania as well as in Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Slovakia. They shall be joined by the existing experts focusing on sustainability in other EY service lines, such as tax, strategy, or technology and legal, so that the clients may be assisted in an integrated manner on their sustainability journey.
Bogdan Ion, Country Managing Partner EY Romania & Moldova and Chief Operating Officer for EY South-East & Central Europe and Central Asia (CESA), says: "The acquisition of denkstatt signifies a critical juncture in our pursuit to be the leading sustainability consultancy firm in the Romanian market and beyond. With the combined expertise and commitment to sustainability of both companies, we are well-prepared for the complexity and dynamism of the sustainability landscape.”
Bogdan Ion, Country Managing Partner EY Romania & Moldova and Chief Operating Officer for EY South-East & Central Europe and Central Asia (CESA), says: "The acquisition of denkstatt signifies a critical juncture in our pursuit to be the leading sustainability consultancy firm in the Romanian market and beyond. With the combined expertise and commitment to sustainability of both companies, we are well-prepared for the complexity and dynamism of the sustainability landscape.”
EY has a longstanding tradition of sustainability consultancy, for almost 20 years, the company has been providing sustainability audit and consulting services and assisting clients with sustainable transformation. In 2021, the sustainability consulting portfolio significantly expanded to include additional services such as strategy, tax, M&A, and financing, as well as the implementation of EU taxonomy, CSRD or CSDDD regulations. Since then, core sustainability consulting has been even more closely integrated with all other service lines, from tax, management consulting through to strategy and transactions, thus bringing these activities together under the umbrella of the EY Sustainability initiative.
"Through this acquisition, we deepen our expertise pool with a strong team of sustainability specialists in Romania, expanding our ability to support clients in a comprehensive and industry-specific ways,” says Alina Dimitriu, EY Romania Assurance Leader.
Massimo Bettanin, EY Romania Climate Change and Sustainability Services Partner: ”Our joined forces of professionals across Romania, Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia will offer clients a unique set of relevant knowledge, competencies and experience on sustainability-related services.”
EY offers a complete range of services in the highly dynamic and complex area of sustainability consulting – from the sustainable focus of business model to technical and scientific expertise and regulatory or green tax matters, and more. Teams are multidisciplinary and put together specifically based on the client’s requirements – from management advisors, tax advisors and auditors to experts in Sustainability and ESG reporting, environmental and safety regulations, EHS management, natural resource management, carbon footprint assessment, circular economy or ESG software, as well as technical engineers, data scientists and architects. Clients can thus be supported on a wide range of issues. Sustainability report verification will continue to be part of the service portfolio.
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