NNDKP assists a syndicate of banks in extending USD 150 million credit facilities for ALRO SA with another three years
14 Decembrie 2023
BizLawyerThe NNDKP team involved in this transaction included Partner Alina Radu and Associate Cătălina Dan, from the Banking and Finance practice.
Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) has assisted a syndicate of banks with the amendment and extension until 2026 of USD 150 million working capital credit facilities for ALRO SA, one of the largest vertically integrated aluminium producers in Europe, by production capacity.
The syndicate of banks was coordinated by Exim Banca Românească and included Banca Comercială Română SA (BCR), OTP Bank Romania, CEC Bank, UniCredit Bank, Alpha Bank Romania and Banca Transilvania.
NNDKP assisted the banks on the Romanian law aspects throughout the project, advising on the structuring aspects, drafting and negotiation of the financing documents, and all the other aspects customary for this type of transactions. The transaction involved a complex financing and security structure, including intercreditor arrangements to harmonise the position with other lenders.
The syndicate of banks was coordinated by Exim Banca Românească and included Banca Comercială Română SA (BCR), OTP Bank Romania, CEC Bank, UniCredit Bank, Alpha Bank Romania and Banca Transilvania.
NNDKP assisted the banks on the Romanian law aspects throughout the project, advising on the structuring aspects, drafting and negotiation of the financing documents, and all the other aspects customary for this type of transactions. The transaction involved a complex financing and security structure, including intercreditor arrangements to harmonise the position with other lenders.
The NNDKP team involved in this transaction included Partner Alina Radu and Associate Cătălina Dan, from the Banking and Finance practice.
“We are honored to have advised the syndicate of prominent Romanian banks in this challenging transaction, which will help ALRO with its long-term plans. The financial backing provided by some of the most important credit institutions in Romania reaffirms their commitment towards supporting high-added value businesses”, declared Alina Radu, Partner at NNDKP.
NNDKP’s Banking & Finance team has constantly advised clients in complex finance transactions, including corporate finance, project finance or acquisition finance projects. The members of the team have been involved in landmark transactions in Romania for clients active in a diverse range of sectors, such as agribusiness, energy, real estate, infrastructure, FMCG, production or technology. NNDKP’s Banking and Finance lawyers are constantly recognized for their outstanding legal work by the reputable international legal directories Chambers and Partners, The Legal 500 and IFLR 1000, with the head of practice, Partner Alina Radu, being included in the Legal 500 Hall of Fame and the IFLR 1000 Women Leaders guide, among the most prominent female lawyers in the world.
Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen is a promoter of business law in Romania with more than 30 years of experience, independently acknowledged as a pioneer of the Romanian legal market.
NNDKP offers full-service and integrated legal and tax advice to companies from diverse industry sectors. For the past three decades, NNDKP lawyers have provided expertise in landmark deals and projects in Romania, contributing to the evolution of the Romanian business environment, including in innovative and niche economic sectors that involved both international corporations and local entrepreneurs.
NNDKP represents Romania in some of the most prestigious international professional alliances - Lex Mundi, World Services Group, International Attorneys Club - and is a founding member of SEE Legal and Three Seas Legal Alliance. The firm is constantly top ranked in all practice areas by the renowned international guides Chambers & Partners, The Legal 500 and IFLR 1000.
NNDKP is a 6-time winner of the “Romania Law Firm of the Year” award at the Chambers Europe Awards gala, in 2022, 2021, 2017, 2013, 2012 and 2009.
Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen is a promoter of business law in Romania with more than 30 years of experience, independently acknowledged as a pioneer of the Romanian legal market.
NNDKP offers full-service and integrated legal and tax advice to companies from diverse industry sectors. For the past three decades, NNDKP lawyers have provided expertise in landmark deals and projects in Romania, contributing to the evolution of the Romanian business environment, including in innovative and niche economic sectors that involved both international corporations and local entrepreneurs.
NNDKP represents Romania in some of the most prestigious international professional alliances - Lex Mundi, World Services Group, International Attorneys Club - and is a founding member of SEE Legal and Three Seas Legal Alliance. The firm is constantly top ranked in all practice areas by the renowned international guides Chambers & Partners, The Legal 500 and IFLR 1000.
NNDKP is a 6-time winner of the “Romania Law Firm of the Year” award at the Chambers Europe Awards gala, in 2022, 2021, 2017, 2013, 2012 and 2009.
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