RTPR advises EBRD on the 12.5 million euro financing provided to DONA
26 Iulie 2022
BizLawyerThe RTPR team that provided legal assistance on this project included Victor Padurari (Partner), Bianca Eremia (Senior Associate), Iustina Nastasa (Associate) and Georgiana Verives (Junior Associate).
RTPR has assisted EBRD in relation to the loan to granted to Calihory Group operating under the DONA brand, one of Romania’s leading retailers and suppliers of pharmaceuticals, to finance the expansion and modernization of the company’s network, acquisition of IT, equipment, and a fleet of cars. The loan of up to EUR 12.5 million was granted to SIEPCOFAR SA, DONA LOGISTICA SA and DONA CARGO SRL.
The RTPR team that provided legal assistance on this project included Victor Padurari (Partner), Bianca Eremia (Senior Associate), Iustina Nastasa (Associate) and Georgiana Verives (Junior Associate).
“We are excited to announce a new financing in which we acted for EBRD, one of our long-lasting clients. We have a long history of advising them on many mandates in Romania. Their trust honours us and I hope we will have the chance to collaborate on other future projects as well. Congratulations for another successful project!”, declared Victor Pădurari.
The RTPR team that provided legal assistance on this project included Victor Padurari (Partner), Bianca Eremia (Senior Associate), Iustina Nastasa (Associate) and Georgiana Verives (Junior Associate).
“We are excited to announce a new financing in which we acted for EBRD, one of our long-lasting clients. We have a long history of advising them on many mandates in Romania. Their trust honours us and I hope we will have the chance to collaborate on other future projects as well. Congratulations for another successful project!”, declared Victor Pădurari.
“I am proud I had the opportunity to advise EBRD on this financing and to add it to the already notable deal portfolio of our banking and finance team. It was a challenging project which covered multiple complex legal aspects for which we found the best solutions and we ensured a fast completion”, declared Bianca Eremia.
RTPR Banking & Finance team is one of the most experienced and appreciated in Romania, having a vast expertise in the most important transactions in Romania and in the region. Every year prestigious international legal directories Legal 500 and IFLR1000 position RTPR’s Banking & Finance practice on the top tier in their rankings for Romania. At the same time several of the firm’s lawyers are recommended as Leading Lawyers in individual rankings.
Selected financings in which RTPR have been recently involved are set out below:
► Eximbank, as the coordinating mandated lead arranger, as well as the syndicate of banks comprising Banca Comercială Intesa Sanpaolo Romania, Banca Transilvania, CEC Bank, Garanti Bank, ING Bank NV Amsterdam Bucharest Branch, International Bank for Economic Co-operation, OTP Bank Romania, Raiffeisen Bank Romania and UniCredit Bank in relation to the maturity extension of revolving facilities and modification of the syndicate structure under a secured term and multicurrency revolving facilities agreement granted to Alro, as well as in relation to related security
► Meridiam SAS and Netcity Telecom on a EUR 55 million loan extended to Netcity Telecom, the concessionaire and developer of the metropolitan optic fibre network in Bucharest
► LKE Group, one of the leading German suppliers of handling and logistics products and systems, on the financing of the acquisition of the majority shareholding stake in Someg S.A. and a part of Transcarpatica S.A.
► Oresa on the financing of the acquisition of logistics and industrial park Solo Iasi from Tester Group owned by Romanian businessman Bogdan Pitigoi
► Rodbun Group on several syndicated financings to cover regular capital needs as well as to support development plans of the group
► BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole CIB, Credit Suisse, HSBC, Société Générale and UniCredit acting as Underwriters, Mandated Lead Arrangers and Bookrunners, Société Générale and Komerční banka acting as facility agent and security agent, respectively on the EUR1.150 billion financing of the CME acquisition, a media group which also includes ProTV, by PPF Group N.V.
► A syndicate of banks made up of Raiffeisen Bank International and Raiffeisen Bank Romania as coordinators and Raiffeisen Bank International, Banca Transilvania, UniCredit Bank, Garanti Bank and Intesa SanPaolo Romania as lenders on a credit facility in amount of approximately USD 68 million granted to Alro for covering general corporate needs and working capital of the company as well as future investments
► The syndicate of banks made up of ING Bank N.V. through ING Bank N.V. Amsterdam – Bucharest Branch, Banca Comerciala Romana, Raiffeisen Bank SA and UniCredit Bank SA on a USD 360 million credit facility granted to KMG International group for covering the regular needs in the group activity
► An international financial institution on a USD 60 million secured financing to SNTGN Transgaz SA Medias, the national gas transmission grid operator, for the construction of Phase 1 of the Bulgaria-Romania-Hungary-Austria pipeline/corridor (BRUA project)
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