Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

RTPR advises ENGIE Group on Flashnet sale

16 Iunie 2022   |   BizLawyer

RTPR team of lawyers that provided advice in relation to all aspects of this deal was made of Mihai Ristici (Partner), Vlad Druta (Senior Associate), Marina Fecheta-Giurgica (Managing Associate) and Flavia Mincu (Junior Associate). Valentin Berea and Roxana Ionescu (Partners) advised on competition aspects of the transaction.

RTPR has assisted ENGIE Group in relation to the sale of its entire participation in Flashnet SA to Lucy Group Ltd. The transaction also involved the sale of minority shareholding stakes by the other two minority shareholders, who remained in the business. Flashnet SA is a company that integrates the latest IT, energy and telecommunications technologies into hardware and software solutions, creating and implementing intelligent systems for urban infrastructure. 

My appreciation to RTPR team for an excellent collaboration on this project. Their forward thinking, business-oriented approach and the ability to adapt to unforeseen situations were key elements to take the deal to a successful closing”, said Marius Berariu, Head of Corporate, Competition and Legal Assistance for Strategic Projects at ENGIE.

RTPR team of lawyers that provided advice in relation to all aspects of this deal was made of Mihai Ristici (Partner), Vlad Druta (Senior Associate), Marina Fecheta-Giurgica (Managing Associate) and Flavia Mincu (Junior Associate). Valentin Berea and Roxana Ionescu (Partners) advised on competition aspects of the transaction.

On behalf of the RTPR team I would like to congratulate ENGIE for the success of this transaction. We are honoured to add a new successful deal to our portfolio of M&A mandates. We are proud of our very experienced team that is constantly involved in the most complex mergers and acquisitions in Romania.”, declared Mihai Ristici, Partner RTPR.

We are happy that we had the opportunity to contribute to the successful signing of this deal. We would like to thank our client for their trust and the exceptional collaboration. We made an excellent team with ENGIE for this project and together we found the best solutions”, said Vlad Druta, Senior Associate at RTPR.

RTPR is recognised for its impressive experience in the most sophisticated M&A transactions, every year the firm being recommended in the top of the specialty rankings. International legal directories Legal 500, Chambers & Partners and IFLR1000 which carry out detailed research of the global legal market every year, rank the Corporate/M&A practice in the first tier. Client feedback is equally rewarding: “The most commercial M&A legal practice in Romania (...) well equipped to address complex deals with a strong understanding of sophisticated client needs”, for Legal 500 2022.

Selected M&A transactions in which RTPR have recently advised are set out below:

-        Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA) on the acquisition of a portfolio of power assets owned by CEZ Group in Romania, the largest M&A transaction in Romania in the last 12 years

-        Meridiam SAS, a global investor and asset manager, in relation to entering Netcity Telecom’s shareholding, the company that operates the underground telecommunications infrastructure in Bucharest

-        Arval Service Lease Romania S.R.L., part of BNP Paribas Group, on the acquisition of a part of the operational leasing activity of BCR Fleet Management

-        African Industries Group on the acquisition of World Class Romania, the largest health and fitness network in Romania

-        LKE Group, one of the most important German suppliers of handling and logistic products and systems, on the acquisition of the majority shareholding stake in Someg S.A. and a part of Transcarpatica S.A. business

-        Autonom Services, the most important independent player on the operational leasing and rent-a-car markets in Romania, on the acquisition of Premium Leasing, the operational leasing business of Tiriac Group

-        AROBS Transilvania Software, an important Romanian company that provides software services and solutions in various industries, on the acquisition of Enea Services Romania SRL, the software development services business of the Swedish group Enea AB

-        Sarmis Capital on the acquisition of a majority shareholding stake in Smart ID Dynamics S.A., an important provider of highly customised end-to-end automation solutions for intensive business environments, leader in the Romanian IT industry

-        dual role on the investment of the private equity fund Morphosis Capital in Cronos Med Group, leader in aesthetic medicine in Romania.

-        Morphosis Capital and a consortium of investors from Belgium on the acquisition of a majority stake in EMI Equipement Maintenance Industrie, market leader in industrial access systems

-        Innova Capital on the acquisition of PayPoint Services SRL and Payzone SA, a market leading consumer payments operator in Romania, from PayPoint group







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