Transport Minister Bode: 7-km ring road, completed after 9 years
30 Noiembrie 2020
AgerpresHowever, he pointed out that the completion of the rest of almost half of the work was done in less than a year from the signing of the new contract in 2019.
Transport Minister Lucian Bode, said on Monday, on the construction site of the Sacuieni ring road, which will be open for traffic on Tuesday, December 1, that it is "inadmissible" for a 7.6 kilometer work to be completed after 9 years, as he pointed out that the obvious reason for the delay in this case was related to the "seriousness of the entrepreneur."
"Analysing what happened here on the bypass in Sacuieni, more precisely a contract signed in 2011, and then terminated in 2015, at a physical progress of 53%, we are talking about a contract for the execution of 7.6 kilometers of ring road, completed in nine years. It is inadmissible, of course, that in such moments you analyse to see what were the reasons why I came here. One of the very obvious reasons is the seriousness of the entrepreneur. Given that a company is committed to achieve such an objective and enters into all sorts of agreements with other subcontractors and fails, here, we end up in the situation of being forced to terminate this contract, it is clear that one of the problems we have to solve is related to how we support the Romanian companies to be able to complete such objectives," Minister Bode said.
However, he pointed out that the completion of the rest of almost half of the work was done in less than a year from the signing of the new contract in 2019.
On Monday, the Transport Minister is paying a visit to Bihor County to assess the stage of the rehabilitation works on National Road 76 (Oradea-Beius) and National Road 19E (Oradea-Marghita), as well as the opening for traffic of the Saceni ring-road, already completed, but on which, for the next few days, traffic safety works will be carried out (battlement mounting, vertical and horizontal signaling) even if traffic opens on it.
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