Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Energy Regulatory body OKays Transgaz investment plan worth EUR 4.2 bln until 2029

30 Noiembrie 2020   |   Agerpres

Among the priority projects are the BRUA (Bulgaria - Romania - Hungary - Austria) pipeline, the first phase of which, the one on the territory of Romania, worth RON 423 million, was completed last Sunday.

The National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) approved Transgaz's 2020-2029 investment plan, which provides for projects with a total value of EUR 4.2 billion, at the meeting of the regulatory committee on 25 November, according to a statement posted on the company's website.
"Transgaz's management continues one of the largest and most important natural gas transport infrastructure development programmes in Romania over the last 20 years, with investment projects estimated at around EUR 4.2 billion, projects that will result in the creation of new natural gas transport corridors essential for the transport, both on the domestic market and on the markets of the region, of the quantities of natural gas discovered in the Black Sea, but also after Romania's integration into the major cross-border routes of the South-East/North-South Corridor of Europe", reads the Development Plan of the National Gas Transport System.
Among the priority projects are the BRUA (Bulgaria - Romania - Hungary - Austria) pipeline, the first phase of which, the one on the territory of Romania, worth RON 423 million, was completed last Sunday.
Southern transport corridor for the supply of gas from the Black Sea (EUR 371 million), the interconnection of the SNT with the Transit Pipeline T1 and the Isaccea reverse-flow (EUR 77 million), as well as the modernisation of the Isaccea and Negru Voda stations, interconnection with Serbia and Hungary, as well as new SNT developments in the north-east of the country, with the aim of improving the gas supply of the Republic of Moldova (EUR 174 million).
At the same time, the country's gas consumption is estimated to increase by 10 pct over the next 10 years, from 120 GWh in 2020 to 132 GWh in 2030. Transgaz quotes as a source the National Strategy Commission and forecasts for this information.






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