Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Zimmer Biomet Holdings, a world leader in medical technology, opens its first Romanian branch in Sema Parc

11 Noiembrie 2022   |   R. T.

With the opening of the new office in Sema Parc, Romanian patients will have access to Zimmer Biomet's latest and most modern products, a wider range of solutions for sports medicine, joint and extremity reconstruction, as well as the company's digital and robotic technologies.

River Development, the developer of Sema Parc and The Light projects, announces the lease of office space to Zimmer Biomet Romania in the Paris office building in Sema Parc.

Zimmer Biomet Holdings is opening its first branch in Romania and is investing more than €3.5 million in our country in 2023. The investment will go towards logistical expenses (new office, warehouse, etc.), building the local team and securing equipment stock. The company will move from distributor representation to direct representation, and this change will mean expanding its product portfolio, medical education offering and introducing a number of integrated digital and robotic technologies to the Romanian market.

With the opening of the new office in Sema Parc, Romanian patients will have access to Zimmer Biomet's latest and most modern products, a wider range of solutions for sports medicine, joint and extremity reconstruction, as well as the company's digital and robotic technologies. The ZBEdge range combines integrated digital technologies, implants, robotics and monitoring services, providing a unique medical platform in orthopaedics. This platform provides physicians with accurate data and information to help them make better decisions for their patients, both during surgery and in the recovery process after knee or hip surgery.

The Zimmer Biomet Institute, which provides world-class education for orthopaedic professionals, is also expanding its medical education offerings in our country starting next year.

"We are delighted that for the opening of their first branch in Romania, Zimmer Biomet chose Sema Parc. In our community they have all the benefits necessary for healthy growth and will be able to offer all their partners and customers the advantages of very good accessibility and a robust infrastructure that has proven its efficiency. The intrinsic qualities that make the Paris office building a 'green building' - increased energy efficiency, quality building materials, quick access to all public transportation, electric vehicle charging stations - are another reason why we believe Zimmer Biomet Romania's move to Sema Parc will be a success for the new dimension of their business." - says Tina Vîrlan, Lease Manager at River Development.

"Romania is one of the largest markets in Central and Eastern Europe and an important customer base for Zimmer Biomet. We made a great choice to open our first office from Romania in Sema Parc. By the nature of what we do, we collaborate with surgeons, hospitals, clinics and universities to improve patient experiences and outcomes in Romania and to enhance the efficiency of their operations, which is why it was essential to choose an office that is accessible and highly connected to the city." - says Marian Isac, Country Manager at Zimmer Biomet Romania.







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