Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

RTPR advises ENGIE Romania on 80MW wind farm acquisition

23 Ianuarie 2024   |   BizLawyer

The RTPR team involved in this project was coordinated by Mihai Ristici (Partner) and Vlad Stamatescu (Counsel).

RTPR has assisted ENGIE Romania in relation to the acquisition of an operational wind farm with a capacity of 80MW. The transaction is subject to the Competition Council approval and the fulfilment of the conditions precedent agreed by the parties. 

We were pleased by the new collaboration with the RTPR team for this intense project which had many legal implications, as well as a very ambitious calendar. We particularly appreciate their professionalism, efficiency and promptness, as well as their ability to manage complex negotiations with the sellers, together with the ENGIE in-house team”, said Marius Berariu, Head of Corporate, Competition and Legal Assistance for Strategic Projects at ENGIE Romania.

The RTPR team involved in this project was coordinated by Mihai Ristici (Partner) and Vlad Stamatescu (Counsel) and further included Bogdan Cordos (Energy Law Consultant), Cezara Urzica, Andreea Nedeloiu (Senior Associates), George Capota, Maria Luca, Radu Ciolacu, Luka Perovic and Andrei Nicolae (Junior Associates). Roxana Ionescu (Partner) and Serban Halmagean (Associate) advised on the competition aspects of the transaction.

We are happy to announce the signing of a new deal at the beginning of the year. We continue at the same pace as we ended 2023, a record year for our M&A practice, when we signed 30 mandates. We are proud of our team of very talented and experienced lawyers, who is constantly involved in the most interesting and challenging M&A transactions in Romania. I would like to thank and congratulate the entire project team for this new achievement”, said Mihai Ristici, Partner of RTPR.

We are honoured to have had the opportunity to support ENGIE in a new mandate, this time a project through which our client expands its renewable energy portfolio in Romania. Congratulations on the success of this deal and thank you for your trust!”, said Vlad Stamatescu, Counsel at RTPR.

With an impressive track record of landmark transactions, RTPR’s Corporate/M&A practice enjoys a reputation that is hard to match, being constantly recommended by international publications in this field. Its experience in the most complex M&A mandates in various sectors was noticed and appreciated by the most prestigious international legal guides, such as Legal 500, Chambers & Partners and IFLR1000, which place the company in the first tier of the rankings. At the same time several of the RTPR lawyers are recognised as Leading Lawyers for this field in individual rankings.

Selected corporate/M&A deals in which RTPR have recently advised are set out below:

-        MidEuropa Partners on the EUR1.3bn sale of Profi, in the largest transaction in the retail sector ever concluded in Romania

-        Macquarie Asset Management (MAM) in relation to the sale of CEZ Vanzare to Premier Energy PLC, owned by the Czech private equity fund, Emma Capital

-        Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, the largest Italian bank, on the acquisition of First Bank from the American private investment fund J.C. Flowers

-        IPS Solutions, leader on the European software market, on the acquisition of the majority stake in Avaelgo SRL, a Romanian IT services company, from the founder Mihai Tataran

-        Orange Money Romania, part of Orange group, on the transfer of its retail business to Alpha Bank Romania

-        Romcim, part of the CRH Group, on the acquisition of Bauelemente Reinvest S.R.L. and its fully owned subsidiary, Bauelemente S.R.L., the market leader manufacturer of prefabricated reinforced and prestressed concrete in Romania

-        AS Piletilevi Group on the acquisition of a majority stake in Departamentul Logistic Event S.R.L., the owner of the website bilete.ro

-        Sarmis Capital on the acquisition of a majority shareholding stake in BMF Grup, the largest integrated facility management company on the Romanian market

-        Regina Maria on the acquisition of a majority shareholding stake in the stomatology clinics chain Dr Leahu

-        Innova Capital on the acquisition of a majority stake in NETOPIA Group, one of the best known payment service providers (PSP) in Romania

-        GreenGroup, a company in the portfolio of private equity fund Abris Capital Partners, on the acquisition of UAB Zalvaris, the largest industrial waste management company in Lithuania, as well as on the acquisition of UAB Ecso, a Lithuanian LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) recycling company








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