Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Adrian Șter joins D&B David și Baias as Coordinating Partner of the competition team, part of the Competition and Regulatory Department

07 Mai 2019   |   BizLawyer

Recognized as one of the most importants professionals in this field, having an experience of over 15 years in competition law, Adrian is providing legal advice on the whole range of competition issues, from assistance in investigations undertaken by the competition authorities, the procedures for authorizing economic concentration operations, clemency requests, legal representation in the courts, including compensation claims.

Adrian Șter, one of the most seasoned lawyers on the local market specializing in competition law, joined the D&B David și Baias team. He will be the Coordinating Partner of the Competition Law team, part of the Competition and Regulatory Department of D&B David și Baias, which is coordinated by Manuela Guia.

“I am honored to be joining D&B David și Baias, which is recognized on the Romanian market as having the best competition team, being involved throughout the time in almost all major competition investigations and litigations that took place in Romania. I want to put to use my experience and expertise to help our clients align their business processes and comply with the requirements of the competition legislation”, stated Adrian Șter.

“It gives me great pleasure to welcome Adrian into our team. We are going through a period in which the way the legislation is enforced at the Romanian and EU level risks remaining behind the fast-paced transformations that are going on in the business environment. Adrian’s joing of our team helps us continue to develop our expertise and our ability to offer personalised solutions for all the challenges that our clients are facing in terms of competition regulations”, stated Manuela Guia, Partner, Coordinator of the Competition and Regulatory Department of D&B David și Baias.

“Over the years, we had the opportunity to interact with Adrian in several project and we were impressed with his professionalism and dedication for the interests of the clients. As our competition law activity, on all of its aspects, has continued to grow in recent years, we felt the need to recruit a reputed and experienced professional to take over the coordination of the competition team, in the department led by Manuela Guia. I am glad that Adrian decided to join us and I am convinced that we will build a very solid project together, for the benefit of our clients”, added Sorin David, Managing Partner, D&B David și Baias.

Recognized as one of the most importants professionals in this field, having an experience of over 15 years in competition law, Adrian is providing legal advice on the whole range of competition issues, from assistance in investigations undertaken by the competition authorities, the procedures for authorizing economic concentration operations, clemency requests, legal representation in the courts, including compensation claims. Over the years, Adrian provided legal assistance for major clients in various sectors such as telecom, banking, home-appliances, retail, media, advertising, energy, FMCG and pharma.

Before joining D&B David și Baias, Adrian was the Romanian coordinating Partner of the competition and state aid department of an important regional law firm. Adrian has a law degree from the Law Faculty of the Babeș-Bolyai University, a law degree at the Law School of the Notthingham University and the LL.M title in European law at the University College London. He is a member of the Bucharest Bar and, for the last 3 years, he has been co-chair of the Competition Committee of AmCham Romania. 







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