ANCOM’s Popa: We are prapred to launch a tender for spectrum frequencies for 5G technology
26 Noiembrie 2020
AgerpresHe also stated that the transposition of the Memorandum with the United States of America into the framework legislation needs to be finalized.
The National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) is ready to launch a tender for spectrum frequencies for 5G technology, but until the launch it must be established with the other decision makers what are the starting prices for each frequency block, Cristin Popa, head of the Monitoring and Control Department within the authority said on Wednesday.
He also stated that the transposition of the Memorandum with the United States of America into the framework legislation needs to be finalized.
"We are ready and with all the topics up to date to launch the tender that is suitable for the development of the 5G technology, meaning the additional spectrum and necessary for mobile operators. Until the launch, we only have to establish with the other decision-making factors what are the starting prices for each frequency block and to finalize the transposition of the Memorandum with the United States of America into the framework legislation so that, at the time of the tender, all conditions are clear and the competition can take place under normal conditions. As you know, ANCOM has always been a pioneer of the Strategic Treaty with the United States, which is why we expected to have this memorandum transposed into the law," mentioned Cristin Popa, at the Financial Intelligence Awards Gala 2020.
According to him, Romania benefits from quality communication service networks that "coped with the pandemic", and the statistical data that are currently being worked on and that will be made public soon will confirm this, respectively a massive increase in the use of Internet.
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