Musat & Asociatii advised Magna on the Romanian legal aspects of the completion of its acquisition of Veoneer’s Active Safety Business from SSW Partners
12 Iunie 2023
BizLawyerMusat & Asociatii team was led by Monia Dobrescu (Partner) and formed of a number of highly skilled associates, among which: Madalina Trifan (Managing Associate), Dragos Lungu (Managing Associate), Oana Lupu (Managing Associate), Cristian Cepesi (Senior Associate) and Evelina Stoian (Associate).
Monia Dobrescu, Partener Musat & Asociatii |
Musat & Asociatii advised Magna International Inc. on the Romanian legal aspects of the completion of its acquisition of Veoneer's Active Safety Business from SSW Partners. The combined business is projected to generate more than $3 billion in sales in 2024.
With the completion of this acquisition, Magna further strengthens its active safety business, and it positions Magna as one of a few suppliers equipped to tackle the increasing complexity coming from advanced software, system and integration challenges by delivering a complete set of offerings to customers. The combined business builds a more comprehensive active safety portfolio across all relevant sensors, central computer systems and software solutions for Magna in one of the fastest growing market segments in automotive.
With the completion of this acquisition, Magna further strengthens its active safety business, and it positions Magna as one of a few suppliers equipped to tackle the increasing complexity coming from advanced software, system and integration challenges by delivering a complete set of offerings to customers. The combined business builds a more comprehensive active safety portfolio across all relevant sensors, central computer systems and software solutions for Magna in one of the fastest growing market segments in automotive.
Magna is more than one of the world’s largest suppliers in the automotive space. Magna is a mobility technology company with a global, entrepreneurial-minded team of over 171,000 employees and an organizational structure designed to innovate like a startup. With 65+ years of expertise, and a systems approach to design, engineering and manufacturing that touches nearly every aspect of the vehicle, Magna is positioned to support advancing mobility in a transforming industry. Magna's global network includes 341 manufacturing operations and 88 product development, engineering and sales centers spanning 29 countries.
Musat & Asociatii team was led by Monia Dobrescu (Partner) and formed of a number of highly skilled associates, among which: Madalina Trifan (Managing Associate), Dragos Lungu (Managing Associate), Oana Lupu (Managing Associate), Cristian Cepesi (Senior Associate) and Evelina Stoian (Associate).
About Musat & Asociatii
Mușat & Asociații stands for the highest level of expertise and commitment in assisting clients in their business. Mușat & Asociații provides consulting services in all business law areas, including Mergers & Acquisitions, Privatization, Real Estate, Banking, Energy & Natural Resources, Competition, Corporate, Telecommunications & IT, Labour, Tax, Capital Markets, Environmental Law, Litigation & Commercial Arbitration and Criminal Law.
Recognized as one of the pillars of Romania’s business law practice, Mușat & Asociații is constantly recommended by international specialized publications (Chambers & Partners, International Financial Law Review, Legal 500 etc.) as a leading law firm in Romania. Besides, many of its attorneys have been nominated by such publications among the elite of business law in Romania.
In 2022, Mușat & Asociații won the „Best Law Firm in M&A, Litigation and Pharma” awards, a distinction handed out by during the Romanian Legal Awards Gala, by “Legal Marketing”. This was the third time when Mușat & Asociații won the trophy for the Mergers & Acquisitions practice area after 2020 and 2019, the year when Musat & Asociatii was designated the Romanian Law Firm of the Year.
Also in 2022, Mușat & Asociații was the winner of the award “Eastern Europe Law Firm of the Year” during the gala organized in London by LMG Life Sciences, one of the most prestigious international guides which awards the law firms and lawyers behind some of the most innovative and challenging projects in the EMEA, USA and Canada, together with its sister companies International Financial Law Review, Benchmark Litigation, Managing IP, Expert Guides și ITR.
In 2019, Mușat & Asociații won the “Law Firm of the Year in Romania” award, a distinction handed out by the “The Times Legal Innovation, as well as awards for the areas of practice: Mergers and Acquisitions/Privatization, Infrastructure and PPP/Public Procurement and Criminal Law.
In 2018, Mușat & Asociații was awarded by prestigious magazine, CEE Legal Matters, for the largest M&A Pharma transaction in Romania (Dr. Max acquisition of A&D Pharma group). Also in 2018, The Times legal Innovation granted awards for the areas of practice: Mergers and Acquisitions/Privatization, Infrastructure and PPP/Public Procurement and Criminal Law.
In 2016, Mușat & Asociații received the award for the largest transaction in the energy field, for assistance granted to Sterling Resources in the process of sale of operations in Romania to Carlyle International Energy Partners, as well as the award for the largest HORECA transaction for assisting Premier Capital in purchasing McDonald’s in Romania (awards granted by Ziarul Financiar, during the Attorney Gala).
In 2015, Mușat & Asociații won the “Law Firm of the Year in Romania” award, a distinction handed out annually by the reputed British publisher “The Lawyer”, and in 2013, Mușat & Asociații was appointed “Law Firm of the Year in Romania” by International Financial Law Review (IFLR), and this was the second time when the firm was granted this prestigious award, after the distinction received in 2011 (when Romania was included for the first time on the list of countries nominated for the International Financial Law Review (IFLR) awards).
Moreover, in 2012 Mușat & Asociații won the Gold Award for the “Best Law Firm in Central and Eastern Europe”, an accolade awarded by the 2012 International Legal Alliance Summit & Awards, and in 2011, the renowned publication Chambers Europe awarded the “Romanian Law Firm of the Year” trophy to Mușat & Asociații, the law firm with the best performance in Romania, during the “Chambers Europe Awards for Excellence 2011” gala.
Mușat & Asociații stands for the highest level of expertise and commitment in assisting clients in their business. Mușat & Asociații provides consulting services in all business law areas, including Mergers & Acquisitions, Privatization, Real Estate, Banking, Energy & Natural Resources, Competition, Corporate, Telecommunications & IT, Labour, Tax, Capital Markets, Environmental Law, Litigation & Commercial Arbitration and Criminal Law.
Recognized as one of the pillars of Romania’s business law practice, Mușat & Asociații is constantly recommended by international specialized publications (Chambers & Partners, International Financial Law Review, Legal 500 etc.) as a leading law firm in Romania. Besides, many of its attorneys have been nominated by such publications among the elite of business law in Romania.
In 2022, Mușat & Asociații won the „Best Law Firm in M&A, Litigation and Pharma” awards, a distinction handed out by during the Romanian Legal Awards Gala, by “Legal Marketing”. This was the third time when Mușat & Asociații won the trophy for the Mergers & Acquisitions practice area after 2020 and 2019, the year when Musat & Asociatii was designated the Romanian Law Firm of the Year.
Also in 2022, Mușat & Asociații was the winner of the award “Eastern Europe Law Firm of the Year” during the gala organized in London by LMG Life Sciences, one of the most prestigious international guides which awards the law firms and lawyers behind some of the most innovative and challenging projects in the EMEA, USA and Canada, together with its sister companies International Financial Law Review, Benchmark Litigation, Managing IP, Expert Guides și ITR.
In 2019, Mușat & Asociații won the “Law Firm of the Year in Romania” award, a distinction handed out by the “The Times Legal Innovation, as well as awards for the areas of practice: Mergers and Acquisitions/Privatization, Infrastructure and PPP/Public Procurement and Criminal Law.
In 2018, Mușat & Asociații was awarded by prestigious magazine, CEE Legal Matters, for the largest M&A Pharma transaction in Romania (Dr. Max acquisition of A&D Pharma group). Also in 2018, The Times legal Innovation granted awards for the areas of practice: Mergers and Acquisitions/Privatization, Infrastructure and PPP/Public Procurement and Criminal Law.
In 2016, Mușat & Asociații received the award for the largest transaction in the energy field, for assistance granted to Sterling Resources in the process of sale of operations in Romania to Carlyle International Energy Partners, as well as the award for the largest HORECA transaction for assisting Premier Capital in purchasing McDonald’s in Romania (awards granted by Ziarul Financiar, during the Attorney Gala).
In 2015, Mușat & Asociații won the “Law Firm of the Year in Romania” award, a distinction handed out annually by the reputed British publisher “The Lawyer”, and in 2013, Mușat & Asociații was appointed “Law Firm of the Year in Romania” by International Financial Law Review (IFLR), and this was the second time when the firm was granted this prestigious award, after the distinction received in 2011 (when Romania was included for the first time on the list of countries nominated for the International Financial Law Review (IFLR) awards).
Moreover, in 2012 Mușat & Asociații won the Gold Award for the “Best Law Firm in Central and Eastern Europe”, an accolade awarded by the 2012 International Legal Alliance Summit & Awards, and in 2011, the renowned publication Chambers Europe awarded the “Romanian Law Firm of the Year” trophy to Mușat & Asociații, the law firm with the best performance in Romania, during the “Chambers Europe Awards for Excellence 2011” gala.
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