Reforms proposed by Labour Ministry in retirement area to respect magistrate’s independence status
10 Noiembrie 2022
AgerpresAccording to Minister Predoiu, the MMPS will design and develop the draft legal framework with transparency and with the consultation of all social partners, including the representatives of the judicial authority and power, through the CSM, the guarantor of Justice independence.
Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu conveyed on Thursday that the reforms proposed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection in the area of retirement will respect the magistrate's independence status.
"Taking note of the debates within the general meetings of the magistrates, held recently within the judicial system, constantly discussing with the representatives of the judicial authority and the judicial power within the Superior Council of the Magistracy (CSM), the guarantor of Justice independence, based on the consultations held recently at the political and governmental level, following the meeting held yesterday [Wednesday] with the Minister of Labor and Social Protection (MMPS), the Justice Minister mentions that the reforms proposed by the MMPS in the area of retirement will respect the magistrate's independence status and will be promoted through a draft law, subject to the approval of the CSM and the Ministry of Justice," Catalin Predoiu stated, as quoted in a press release of the Justice Ministry sent to AGERPRES.
"Taking note of the debates within the general meetings of the magistrates, held recently within the judicial system, constantly discussing with the representatives of the judicial authority and the judicial power within the Superior Council of the Magistracy (CSM), the guarantor of Justice independence, based on the consultations held recently at the political and governmental level, following the meeting held yesterday [Wednesday] with the Minister of Labor and Social Protection (MMPS), the Justice Minister mentions that the reforms proposed by the MMPS in the area of retirement will respect the magistrate's independence status and will be promoted through a draft law, subject to the approval of the CSM and the Ministry of Justice," Catalin Predoiu stated, as quoted in a press release of the Justice Ministry sent to AGERPRES.
Moreover, he says, the reforms will fully observe the constitutional framework and the international legal framework to which Romania is a party regarding the independence status of the magistrate, including in respect to the retirement age threshold.
According to Minister Predoiu, the MMPS will design and develop the draft legal framework with transparency and with the consultation of all social partners, including the representatives of the judicial authority and power, through the CSM, the guarantor of Justice independence.
Furthermore, he says that the Ministry of Justice will continue to tackle "responsibly" the issue of providing the judicial, penitentiary and probation systems with human resources, the solutions being the cooperation with the Government, Parliament, but also with the CSM and the social partners within the mentioned systems.
In the beginning of the month, in a single meeting, the Section for Judges of the Superior Council of Magistracy debated the retirement requests submitted by 63 judges.
This unprecedented wave of retirements comes after debates regarding the abolition of special pensions which the magistrates also benefit from resurfaced in the public space.
On October 28, the Section for Judges of the CSM expressed its "dismay" in respect to the public re-opening of the issue regarding certain aspects related to the status of judges, with reference to the magistrates' public service pensions.
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