Romania, among the EU countries with highest increases in household electricity prices
31 Octombrie 2022
AgerpresMore recently, wholesale prices for electricity and gas have increased substantially across the EU. Energy and supply costs impacted by the current geopolitical situation, the Russian military aggression in Ukraine, mainly drove the increase.
In the first half of 2022, average household electricity prices in the EU increased sharply compared with the same period in 2021, from 22.0 EUR per 100 kWh to reach 25.3 EUR per 100 kWh and Romania is among the EU member states with the highest increases, in national currency, the data published on Monday by Eurostat showed.
More recently, wholesale prices for electricity and gas have increased substantially across the EU. Energy and supply costs impacted by the current geopolitical situation, the Russian military aggression in Ukraine, mainly drove the increase.
Household electricity prices rose in 22 EU Member States in the first half of 2022, compared with the first half of 2021. The largest increase (expressed in national currencies) was registered in the Czech Republic (+62pct), ahead of Latvia (+59pct) and Denmark (+57pct), Estonia and Romania (both 55pct).
Data indicates five decreases in household electricity prices among Member States: the Netherlands (-54pct), Slovenia (-16pct), Poland (-3pct), Portugal and Hungary (both -1pct). The drops in the Netherlands, Slovenia and Poland were connected to government subsidies and allowances, while in Hungary, prices are regulated.
Expressed in EUR, average household electricity prices in the first half of 2022 were lowest in the Netherlands (5.9 EUR per 100 kWh), Hungary (9.5 EUR) and Bulgaria (10.9 EUR) and highest in Denmark (45.6 EUR), Belgium (33.8 EUR), Germany (32.8 EUR) and Italy (31.2 EUR).
The average prices for natural gas for household consumers in the EU increased in the first semester of 2022, compared to the similar period in 2021, from 6.4 EUR/100 kWh to 8.6 EUR/100 kWh.
Between the first half of 2021 and the first half of 2022, gas prices increased in 23 of the 24 EU Member States for which data are available. Gas prices surged the most in Estonia (+154pct), Lithuania (+110pct) and Bulgaria (+108pct), mainly driven by the cost of energy. There was only one Member State where natural gas prices for household consumers marginally fell in the same period: Hungary (-0.5pct), where prices are regulated.
Expressed in EUR, average household gas prices in the first half of 2022 were lowest in Hungary (2.9 EUR per 100 kWh), Croatia (4.1 EUR) and Latvia (4.6 EUR) and highest in Sweden (22.2 EUR), Denmark (16.0 EUR) and the Netherlands (12.9 EUR).
Cyprus, Malta and Finland do not report natural gas prices in the household sector.
Eurostat data also show that in the EU, taxes and excises represented 24pct of the electricity price paid by consumers and 27pct of the price of natural gas, in the first semester of 2022.
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