Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

RTPR advises Wolt and DoorDash on Tazz acquisition

14 Octombrie 2024   |   BizLawyer

The RTPR team was coordinated by Vlad Stamatescu (Counsel) and Andrei Tosa (Managing Associate), under the supervision of Costin Taracila (Managing Partner),

RTPR in collaboration with the A&O Shearman Silicon Valley team has assisted Wolt, a Finnish local commerce company, in relation to the acquisition of the fast delivery platform Tazz, part of eMAG Group. Wolt is owned by the US company DoorDash and together they operate in more than 30 countries, 28 of which are with the Wolt product and brand. The transaction is subject to FDI approval and the fulfilment of the conditions precedent agreed by the parties.

The RTPR team was coordinated by Vlad Stamatescu (Counsel) and Andrei Tosa (Managing Associate), under the supervision of Costin Taracila (Managing Partner), and further included Alina Stavaru (Partner), who coordinated the employment related matters, Cristina Enaga (Counsel), Cezara Urzica (Senior Associate), Cristina Croitoru (Managing Associate), Irina Marinescu, Daria Spatariu, Luka Perovic and Ambra Lazar (Junior Associates). Roxana Ionescu (Partner), Serban Halmagean (Associate) and Daria Spatariu (Junior Associate) have advised on antitrust and FDI aspects of the deal. The A&O Shearman team was coordinated by William Samengo-Turner, Jesse Debban (Partners) and Robert Bucella (Counsel).

The exceptional collaboration between our team members, our clients and all parties involved was instrumental in achieving the desired outcome. We would like to thank everyone involved for their efforts and we are proud to add this new deal to our team’s portfolio. As always, it was a real pleasure to join forces with our colleagues from A&O Shearman”, said Vlad Stamatescu, Counsel at RTPR.

We enjoyed an excellent collaboration with the Wolt and DoorDash teams throughout all stages of this complex and interesting transaction. On behalf of the entire RTPR team I would like to thank our clients for putting their trust in us and to congratulate them on the success of this acquisition”, said Andrei Tosa, Managing Associate at RTPR.

The impressive experience of RTPR’s team in corporate/M&A deals and its client portfolio recommend the law firm as the first choice for transactions in Romania. The most famous international legal directories Legal 500, Chambers & Partners and IFLR1000 rank RTPR’s Corporate/M&A practice in first tier in the annual rankings for the law firms in Romania, and several of the team’s lawyers are recommended as Leading Lawyers or Rising Stars in individual rankings.

RTPR was named “Romania Law Firm of the Year” at the Chambers Europe Awards 2024, one of the most prestigious accolades in the legal area which confirms the firm’s status as a leader in the field.

Selected corporate/M&A deals in which RTPR have recently advised are set out below:

-        MidEuropa Partners on the EUR1.3bn sale of Profi, in the largest transaction in the retail sector ever concluded in Romania

-        PragmaGO, a company owned by the private equity fund Enterprise Investors, on the acquisition of an 89% stake in Telecredit IFN, operating under the brand name Omnicredit

-        the shareholders of 123FormBuilder, a cloud-based platform that allows customers to digitize and automate their data collection workflows through online forms and surveys – 212 Regional Fund II, Catalyst Romania, Florin Cornianu and Adrian Gheara – on the sale of the company to American group Kiteworks, which delivers data privacy and compliance for sensitive content communications through its Private Content Network (PCN)

-        Evryo Group, owned by funds managed by Macquarie Asset Management, on the sale of its renewable energy portfolio to PPC Group

-        Romcim, part of the CRH group, on the acquisition of Tehno World, a company active in the production and sale of solutions for utility infrastructure networks

-        OX2 on the sale of a 99.2 MW onshore wind project located in the Eastern part of Romania to Nala Renewables, a joint venture between IFM Investors and Trafigura

-        Innova Capital on the sale of Optical Investment Group to EssilorLuxottica

-        Global Records and Stefan Lucian, the founder and CEO of the company, in the process of selling a 25% stake in the company to Believe, one of the world’s leading digital music companies and of setting up the terms of their strategic partnership

-        Vectr Holdings, through its subsidiary Vectr Realty Holdings, on the indirect acquisition of 100% stake in the company that owns The Landmark office building

-        Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, the largest Italian bank, on the acquisition of First Bank from the American private investment fund J.C. Flowers







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