Wholesale trade up almost 30pct in Jan-May 2022
18 Iulie 2022
AgerpresAt the same time, as adjusted series, depending on the number of business days and seasonality, the wholesale business saw an increase of 28.2%.
Wholesale trade (except for trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles) increased by almost 30%, as gross series, in the first five months of the current year, compared to the same period in 2021, according to data published on Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).
Between January 1 and May 31, 2022, in the margin of a 29.2% increase in turnover in wholesale trade, there were positive figures in the activities of intermediation in wholesale trade (+ 59.5%), trade in wholesale of raw agricultural products and living stock (+ 57.3%), specialized wholesale of other products (+ 45.7%), non-specialized wholesale trade (+ 23.4%), wholesale of consumer goods, other than food (+ 17.6%), wholesale of other machinery, equipment and supplies (+ 16.7%), wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco (+ 15.5% ) and wholesale of computer and telecommunications equipment (+ 8.3%).
Compared to May 2021, in the same month of this year, the turnover in wholesale trade (except for trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles), as gross series, increased, in nominal terms, by 30.9%, due to the activities of intermediation in wholesale trade (+ 84.9%), specialized wholesale trade of other products (+ 42.4%), wholesale trade in raw agricultural products and live animals (+ 30.0%), wholesale trade of other machinery, equipment and supplies (+ 29.7%), non-specialized wholesale trade (+ 29.4%), wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco (+ 29.1%), wholesale trade of consumer goods, other than food (+ 16.3%) and wholesale of computer and telecommunications equipment (+ 11.3%).
At the same time, as adjusted series, depending on the number of business days and seasonality, the wholesale business saw an increase of 28.2%.
According to the same source, the wholesale trade, less the one with cars and motorcycles, increased by 4.1%, as gross series, respectively by 2.5% as adjusted series, in May compared to April 2022.
The most important increases were reported in: intermediation activities in wholesale trade (+ 19.6%), wholesale of other machinery, equipment and supplies (+ 12.8%), non-specialized wholesale trade (+11.6%), wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco (+ 8.4%), wholesale of consumer goods, other than food (+ 7%), specialized wholesale of other products (+ 5.9%) and wholesale of computer and telecommunications equipment (+ 3%). On the other hand, the wholesale trade of raw agricultural products and live animals decreased by 24.7% during the analyzed period.
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