CONCORDIA and Schoenherr celebrate 15 years of partnership
21 Noiembrie 2023
BizLawyerIn the past 15 years, over 75 Schoenherr lawyers have provided CONCORDIA with pro bono legal services in areas such as corporate law, real estate, employment law, contractual dealings, dispute resolution, data protection, intellectual property, tax law and others.
CONCORDIA and Schoenherr are proud to announce that this year marks the 15th anniversary of their partnership. Over the years, the law firm has been providing pro bono legal advice to the NGO, supporting its social and educational projects in Romania, Moldova, Austria, Bulgaria and Kosovo.
To celebrate this partnership, on 17 November 2023 CONCORDIA hosted an event at its EDU CAMPUS location in Ploiesti, where Schoenherr Romania team members met with children and young people who benefit from this educational project. On this occasion, the law firm's team also did volunteer work on the premises, including help with building and painting several common areas.
"It is truly an honour for us to have Schoenherr as part of our Proud Partner Community, as they have supported us for so many years with all the legal services that we needed, from statutes change to property sale to tax legislation or partnership development framework, and definitely not limited to that," said Bernhard Drumel, CEO of CONCORDIA International. "Our work supporting children and youth living in disadvantaged communities has positively been enhanced by this support and my colleagues and I are extremely grateful for that."
To celebrate this partnership, on 17 November 2023 CONCORDIA hosted an event at its EDU CAMPUS location in Ploiesti, where Schoenherr Romania team members met with children and young people who benefit from this educational project. On this occasion, the law firm's team also did volunteer work on the premises, including help with building and painting several common areas.
"It is truly an honour for us to have Schoenherr as part of our Proud Partner Community, as they have supported us for so many years with all the legal services that we needed, from statutes change to property sale to tax legislation or partnership development framework, and definitely not limited to that," said Bernhard Drumel, CEO of CONCORDIA International. "Our work supporting children and youth living in disadvantaged communities has positively been enhanced by this support and my colleagues and I are extremely grateful for that."
In the past 15 years, over 75 Schoenherr lawyers have provided CONCORDIA with pro bono legal services in areas such as corporate law, real estate, employment law, contractual dealings, dispute resolution, data protection, intellectual property, tax law and others. Their advice has supported CONCORDIA in carrying out its day-to-day activities, as well as in developing and implementing new social and educational projects.
"CONCORDIA's team does wonders in shaping the lives of the children and young people entrusted to it," said Markus Piuk, Schoenherr partner, who leads the legal team advising CONCORDIA. "We admire their projects and commitment and are proud to have been part of their journey in Romania, Moldova, Austria, Bulgaria and Kosovo. Being able to support CONCORDIA with pro bono legal advice for the past 15 years has been a privilege for the Schoenherr team."
CONCORDIA is an international, independent non-governmental organisation committed to supporting children, young people and families in need towards an independent and self-determined life. Founded in 1991, CONCORDIA is currently active in Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Kosovo and Austria. With an aim to sustainably improve the living conditions of the children and young people entrusted to it, CONCORDIA aims to ensure that they can grow up protected and safe, while developing healthily and freely. In Romania, CONCORDIA works in Bucharest, Ilfov, Prahova and Dambovita, and supports 2,000 children, youth and families living in vulnerable conditions.
Schoenherr is a leading full-service law firm providing local and international companies stellar advice that is straight to the point. With 15 offices and 4 country desks Schoenherr has a firm footprint in Central and Eastern Europe. Our lawyers are recognised leaders in their specialised areas and have a track record of getting deals done with a can-do, solution-oriented approach. Quality, flexibility, innovation and practical problem-solving in complex commercial mandates are at the core of our philosophy.
Schoenherr is a leading full-service law firm providing local and international companies stellar advice that is straight to the point. With 15 offices and 4 country desks Schoenherr has a firm footprint in Central and Eastern Europe. Our lawyers are recognised leaders in their specialised areas and have a track record of getting deals done with a can-do, solution-oriented approach. Quality, flexibility, innovation and practical problem-solving in complex commercial mandates are at the core of our philosophy.
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