Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Cosmina Maria Simion is the first Romanian lawyer nominated for the Best Regulatory Lawyer award by VIXIO GamblingCompliance

13 Septembrie 2022   |   R. T.

The 2022 Best Regulatory Lawyer category is enjoying an exceptionally strong panel of finalists, including internationally applauded lawyers from both inhouse and private practices from the USA, UK, Greece, Poland and Romania.

SIMION & BACIU is delighted to announce that Cosmina Maria Simion, Managing Partner of the firm, has been shortlisted as a finalist for the category Best Regulatory Lawyer of the Year at the VIXIO Gambling ComplianceGlobal Regulatory Awards 2022 (GRAs).Cosmina is the first Romanian lawyer to achieve such an exceptional performance and is one of the only seven professionals in the world selected as finalists for the 2022 award.

Cosmina is credited for excellence in her work in the regulatory spectrum, with a particular focus on the gambling industry, which has distinctively set her apart from the rest of the legal professionals active in this sector.

On her nomination, Cosmina Maria Simion stated: “It is for the first time when a Romanian lawyer is included on this exclusive list of finalists. I am honored and very proud! This nomination also raises tremendous professional challenges: I am determined to convince the international and local business community that the gambling market benefits from an increasingly granulated expertise gained through each successfully completed project”.

In their 6th year, the VIXIO GRAs recognize and celebrate the achievements of individuals, teams and businesses across the gambling landscape who have excelled in the field of compliance, corporate social responsibility and safer gambling over the course of the year, according to the organizer’s statements. The GRAs are regarded as a reference for the gambling industry in terms of independent distinctions, showcasing the individuals and the companies that are leading the way in this sector.

The 2022 Best Regulatory Lawyer category is enjoying an exceptionally strong panel of finalists, including internationally applauded lawyers from both inhouse and private practices from the USA, UK, Greece, Poland and Romania.

Cosmina’s theses highlights her exceptional professional parcourse, including during last year, as she is:
•    part of a selected group of advisors liaising with the relevant Romanian authority (National Gambling Office) on behalf of clients or industry organizations, constantly involved in discussions for clarifying regulatory issue that may emerge from the application of the current relevant legislation (after being actively involved in the review and drafting of the Romanian gaming legal framework).
•    advocating on compliance matters (such as tech, privacy, advertising, consumer protection etc.), having a strong activity with the American Chambers of Commerce in Romania (AmCham).
•    coordinating regulatory mandates that are shaping the Romanian gambling market for clients such as:
o    Novalpina Capital LLP, in relation to the acquisition of the largest local gambling operator, a 9 figures deal, a top 3 transaction in Romanian in 2021
o    Sportingbet, part of the Entain group, in relation to a comprehensive array of legal services covering all regulatory, anti-money laundering, advertising, consumer protection and data privacy aspects relevant for the Romanian market
o    888, in relation to all regulatory implications of its local operations, including successful assistance in the approval process for launching of several hundreds of new online games
o    Play Online Solutions Ltd (Winner.ro), which provides online gambling services in Romania, in relation to various regulatory and contractual matters
o    Bonus Group, a leading land-based gambling operator in Romania, in relation to negotiation of commercial contracts, implementation of new payment solutions in the gambling halls as well as other regulatory matters and many others.

Also, Cosmina acts as a General Member and Member of the Executive Board of IMGL (International Masters of Gaming Law), the pre-eminent global gambling law networking and educational organization shaping the future of gaming law.

Her shortlisting for the 2022 Best Regulatory Lawyer award follows a string of accolated that Cosmina received during 2022, including being:
•    included in the Global Market Leaders list for Gambling & Gaming by Chambers and Partners
•    named as recommended lawyer for sports & gaming law for Romania by Who’s Who Legal
•    recognized as a Leading Individual in Gambling Law by Legal 500
•    awarded Top Lawyer in TMT: Gambling Law at the 2022 Lawyers Gala organized by FinMedia
•    acknowledged as one of the world’s leading female practitioners in technology, media and telecommunications and included in the 2022 Women in Business Law guide published by Euromoney’s Expert Guides

The winner of the Best Regulatory Lawyer award will be announced at the awards ceremony, taking place on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at the De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms London. Details about the VIXIO GRAs and the list of practitioners and firms active in the gambling industry shortlisted for this year’s awards is available here.







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