World Intellectual Property Day also celebrated through the second edition of the Moot Court Competition in Intellectual Property Law
26 Aprilie 2024
R. T.World Intellectual Property Day also celebrated through the second edition of the Moot Court Competition in Intellectual Property Law
Creativity and ingenuity in intellectual property law were again brought into the spotlight by the participants in the second edition of the Moot Court Competition in Intellectual Property Law, organized by SIMION & BACIU, with the support of ELSA Bucharest. The Competition, dedicated to third- and fourth-year law students, took place between March and April 2024, with the final stages completed around World Intellectual Property Day.
The written stage started with 15 teams, each composed of 2 students, who benefited from a training session specially designed to enrich the knowledge of those interested in the complex and professional field of intellectual property law.
The pleadings stage generated a lot of constructive emotion among the participants. The teams had the opportunity to plead in a realistic setting facilitated by a courtroom, thanks to the openness of the representatives of the Bucharest Tribunal to support this project.
The written stage started with 15 teams, each composed of 2 students, who benefited from a training session specially designed to enrich the knowledge of those interested in the complex and professional field of intellectual property law.
The pleadings stage generated a lot of constructive emotion among the participants. The teams had the opportunity to plead in a realistic setting facilitated by a courtroom, thanks to the openness of the representatives of the Bucharest Tribunal to support this project.
The judging panel for the pleading stage was comprised of Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner, Andreea Bende, Partner, Ileana Nicoleascu, Senior Associate, and Zsófia Judit Halmágyi, Intellectual Property Counsel. The jury received strong support from a team designed to evaluate the participants' performance on specific issues during both stages, formed by Roxana Rizoiu, Knowledge & Professional Development Director, Iunia Radu, Senior Associate, Cristina Stoica, Associate, Narcis Codori, Associate, joined by Iustin Cergău and one of the finalist teams of the first edition of the Competition, Ilinca Margină and Cătălin Velișcu.
The second edition of the Moot Court Competition in Intellectual Property Law was won by the team formed by Diana Drăgan and Elena Iustina Boca. The second and third places were acknowledged by the teams formed by Simona Ungureanu and Ioana Ioniță, respectively, Eliza Ungureanu and Oana Niță. In addition, prizes were awarded for Best Memorandum, won by the team Alina Maria Marin and Ana-Maria Pandelică, Best Pleader in the Semifinals, won by Eliza Ungureanu, and Best Pleader in the Final, won by Diana Drăgan.
At the end of the pleadings stage, Ana-Maria Baciu mentioned: "The most pleasant surprise of the beginning of the year! This is how I would summarize my interaction with the law students as a jury member during the Moot Court Competition in Intellectual Property, 2024 edition. Although at each edition, I expect that the participants will be well prepared, show commitment, work, and do everything that depends on them for a good result. However, their enthusiasm and involvement exceed my expectations every year. Every interaction with them makes me happy and look confident in the future. Our future colleagues are all they need to be, and even more."
Andreea Bende, Partner, added, "The experience of participating in a moot court competition benefits not only competitors but also the jury. I hope the students who joined us this year made the most of this experience, enjoyed it, and went home with new lessons. From the jury bench, it was obvious that they all worked hard and prepared intensively for the Competition. They should be proud of themselves for what they achieved by participating in this Competition. In addition, I believe that mock trials bring many pedagogical benefits, as students gain knowledge of case analysis, legal writing, and debate in the context of participation and learn to work in teams."
Ileana Nicolescu, Senior Associate and Master of Ceremonies of the event on behalf of the team, said: "It was an absolute pleasure to attend the second edition of the Moot Court Competition in Intellectual Property Law, which is becoming a tradition within SIMION & BACIU. At this edition, we had the chance to discover an impressive number of talented students who put on very credibly the garb of a lawyer and demonstrated a remarkable level of professionalism and determination in representing their fictitious clients, proving an excellent command of legal knowledge impeccably joined by the spontaneity and ingenuity with which they identified legal strategies on their own.
The teams that ranked first were distinguished by the eloquence and persuasive power of their pleadings, demonstrating exceptional preparation, including correctly anticipating the arguments of the opposing side. Although formally, there was a tiebreaker, we believe that all participants gained valuable experience, which we hope will contribute to their development as future lawyers.
We are glad that this Competition brought intellectual property law closer to students again, and the success of this edition gives us the confidence to continue.
Both the complex, multi-faceted strategy and the eloquence and persuasion in the advocacy were the elements that defined the performance of the teams ranked first. But I consider all participants to be the winners of a new experience, which we hope has contributed to their development as future lawyers, with an already very promising and exciting horizon ahead."
Zsofia Halmágyi, Intellectual Property Counsel, pointed out: "The experience I had as a jury member at the second edition of the Moot Court Competition in Intellectual Property Law generated a lot of enthusiasm for me. I was impressed by the participants' preparation level, which was obvious to me from the depth with which they approached the cases at each stage of the Competition. With each presentation, we witnessed a remarkable self-control considering the professional evolution stage of the competitors, showing how much they want to face challenges with confidence and determination. Congratulations to all!"
SIMION & BACIU’s team integrates a personalized approach to each initiative they run. In this spirit, they concluded the Competition with a transparent and consistent discussion about its future.
Enjoying the participants' discovery, sometimes unexpected and even deeply surprising, of the intellectual property field is the authentic manner in which the team marked again this year one of the reference days for the intellectual property professionals' community: World Intellectual Property Day. On this occasion, Ana-Maria Baciu mentioned: "It is a great joy to be able to contribute to the ascension of future talents in intellectual property law. Throughout the Competition, we enjoyed the energy and passion we felt from the competitors, which made this event another memorable experience for everyone involved. Happy World Intellectual Property Day to you all!"
By organizing the Moot Court Competition in Intellectual Property Law, SIMION & BACIU aim to create an elite collaborative environment in which combining knowledge of the law with elements of creativity and communication is fundamental and in which each participant makes his voice heard in the fascinating world of intellectual property law.
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