SIMION & BACIU Managing Partners remain the only Romanian Lawyers Recommended in the Sports & Gaming field by Whos’ Who Legal
13 Decembrie 2023
BizLawyerSIMION & BACIU Managing Partners are included for the third consecutive year in the Who’s Who Legal research, which reflects the outcome of an evaluation across 52 jurisdictions, worldwide.
Who’s Who Legal recently released the results for the 2023 edition of its research that covers sports and gaming: Cosmina Maria Simion and Ana-Maria Baciu continue to be the only Romanian lawyers acknowledged by the publication in its legal market analysis in this area.
SIMION & BACIU Managing Partners are included for the third consecutive year in the Who’s Who Legal research, which reflects the outcome of an evaluation across 52 jurisdictions, worldwide.
These accolades continue the string of recognitions received by the two prominent lawyers, at individual level, and by SIMION & BACIU and its team members in the area of gaming and gambling regulatory, along the years, with the past 12 month being no exception. In 2023, the feedback received from market commentators, clients and colleagues, led to enhancing our reputation as:
SIMION & BACIU Managing Partners are included for the third consecutive year in the Who’s Who Legal research, which reflects the outcome of an evaluation across 52 jurisdictions, worldwide.
These accolades continue the string of recognitions received by the two prominent lawyers, at individual level, and by SIMION & BACIU and its team members in the area of gaming and gambling regulatory, along the years, with the past 12 month being no exception. In 2023, the feedback received from market commentators, clients and colleagues, led to enhancing our reputation as:
→ the only Romanian law firm currently included in TIER 1 (the highest distinction) for TMT: Gambling Law by Legal 500
→ shortlisted at the EGR B2B Awards Gala 2023 for the Corporate services supplier category, as the only Romanian firm participating in this awards programme
→ shortlisted at the VIXIO Gambling Compliance Regulatory Awards 2023 for the Best Regulatory Firm of the Year, as the first Romanian firm to be considered for this much-coveted distinction
→ winner of the Best Law Firm Active in Gaming Law award offered by Casino Inside magazine during their annual Gala (December 2023), and so much more
At individual level, Cosmina Simion and Ana-Maria Baciu are:
→ the first and the only Romanian lawyers recognized as Global Market Leaders in Gaming and Gambling Law by Chambers and Partners
→ acknowledged as Leading Individuals by the Legal 500 rankings, and are currently the only Romanian lawyers to be offered this recognition
Also, highly notable is that Cosmina has been shortlisted for the second time in a row as a finalist for the category Best Regulatory Lawyer of the Year at the VIXIO Gambling Compliance Global Regulatory Awards 2023. She is the first Romanian lawyer to achieve such an exceptional performance and is one of the only few professionals in the world selected as finalists for both the 2022 and 2023 awards.
The full list of practitioners acknowledged by Who’s Who Legal in the Sports and Gaming section, reflecting all the jurisdictions included in this research is available HERE.
Who’s Who Legal is published by Law Business Research Limited, part of Lexology.
SIMION & BACIU has an award-winning Gaming & Gambling Regulatory practice.
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