Ana-Maria Baciu awarded Practitioner of the Year in Romania at the prestigious Managing IP EMEA 2024 Gala. SIMION & BACIU also scoops Romania Trademark Firm of the Year and Romania Copyright & Design Firm of the Year distinctions
12 Aprilie 2024
BizLawyerSIMION & BACIU boasts one of the most distinguished and highly regarded intellectual property practices active in Romania, making available to the business community the in-depth knowledge more commonly associated with boutique intellectual property firms, authentically coupled with the resources and expertise required for complex transactional work and disputes resolution representation.
SIMION & BACIU is the winner of the 2024 Romania Trademark Firm of the Year and Romania Copyright & Design Firm of the Year distinctions, awarded at the Managing IP EMEA Awards ceremony organized on April 11, in London. Also, the firm was a finalist for the Romania Patent Firm of the Year distinction. This marks the fourth consecutive year when the firm is included among the winners of the much-coveted awards dedicated to the international intellectual property community.
Highly reputable domestic and international law firms active in Romania have competed for a string of awards, as part of the new approach promoted by Managing IP that encompasses market feedback and developments. SIMION & BACIU is proud to have surpassed, in two out of the three award categories researched for Romania, exceptionally strong competition and to become the first intellectual property outfit to be awarded these tailored and nuanced awards designed for the domestic market.
Highly reputable domestic and international law firms active in Romania have competed for a string of awards, as part of the new approach promoted by Managing IP that encompasses market feedback and developments. SIMION & BACIU is proud to have surpassed, in two out of the three award categories researched for Romania, exceptionally strong competition and to become the first intellectual property outfit to be awarded these tailored and nuanced awards designed for the domestic market.
At individual level, Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner of the firm won the Practitioner of the Year in Romania award. Ana-Maria is the first Romanian lawyer awarded this distinction for the first time in 2023, subsequently reconfirmed by the 2024 edition of the programe. This recognition is given to professionals that are highly regarded in their respective jurisdictions for their activity in the intellectual property field. Ana-Maria has been singled out from a group of 11 professionals shortlisted for Romania.
The highly reputable awards programe run by Managing IP is one of the premier annual events for firms and professionals active in the intellectual property field worldwide.
Now in their 19th year, the awards are presented to firms, individuals, and companies “behind the most innovative and challenging IP work of the past year, as well as those driving the international IP market” and cover over 50 jurisdictions, worldwide. Being the winner of three out of four distinctions awarded for Romania represents a powerful independent acknowledgement of our firm’s strong position among the leading domestic firms and our team’s all-encompassing expertise across the full spectrum of the intellectual property practice area.
Present at the 2024 Managing IP EMEA Awards ceremony, Ana-Maria Baciu stated:
“Our professional commitment is to ensure the much-needed balance between legal precision, commercial acumen, and strategic vision for the direct benefit of our clients. With each project we are engaged in, we employ knowledge and experience, with courage and excitement. This is an approach designed to empower our team to discover their unique voice in a business landscape seasoned with challenges and opportunites.
Being awarded the Trademark Firm of the Year and the Copyright & Design Firm of the Year distinctions for Romania is a confirmation of our genuine commitment to exceeding the expectations of our clients, business partners, and colleagues with clarity and foresight.
I am equally excited by my recognition as Practitioner of the Year in Romania for the second consecutive year. This distinction is a strong catalyst that fuels our collective determination to leveraging our knowledge, creativity, and time to exceed the most sophisticated of expectations. My vision for us, as individuals and as a team, is to constantly improve and evolve to serve our clients and partners in an increasingly relevant manner, quicker, and smarter.”
“Our professional commitment is to ensure the much-needed balance between legal precision, commercial acumen, and strategic vision for the direct benefit of our clients. With each project we are engaged in, we employ knowledge and experience, with courage and excitement. This is an approach designed to empower our team to discover their unique voice in a business landscape seasoned with challenges and opportunites.
Being awarded the Trademark Firm of the Year and the Copyright & Design Firm of the Year distinctions for Romania is a confirmation of our genuine commitment to exceeding the expectations of our clients, business partners, and colleagues with clarity and foresight.
I am equally excited by my recognition as Practitioner of the Year in Romania for the second consecutive year. This distinction is a strong catalyst that fuels our collective determination to leveraging our knowledge, creativity, and time to exceed the most sophisticated of expectations. My vision for us, as individuals and as a team, is to constantly improve and evolve to serve our clients and partners in an increasingly relevant manner, quicker, and smarter.”
SIMION & BACIU boasts one of the most distinguished and highly regarded intellectual property practices active in Romania, making available to the business community the in-depth knowledge more commonly associated with boutique intellectual property firms, authentically coupled with the resources and expertise required for complex transactional work and disputes resolution representation.
Andreea Bende, Partner, also present at the gala has added:
“We take great pride in being the first firm to receive such prestigious accolades, such as Trademark Firm of the Year and Copyright & Design Firm of the Year for Romania. They reflect our dedication to providing solutions that are relevant to our clients and necessary for them to achieve their objectives. Our commitment lies in offering counsel in the intellectual property field by crafting a seamless blend of technical mastery and innovative, accessible business insights.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have entrusted us with their aspirations and challenges.”
“We take great pride in being the first firm to receive such prestigious accolades, such as Trademark Firm of the Year and Copyright & Design Firm of the Year for Romania. They reflect our dedication to providing solutions that are relevant to our clients and necessary for them to achieve their objectives. Our commitment lies in offering counsel in the intellectual property field by crafting a seamless blend of technical mastery and innovative, accessible business insights.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have entrusted us with their aspirations and challenges.”
Over the past year, our team members have continued to advice on prominent trademark, patent and copyright matters and ensured representation on highly sensitive dispute resolution cases for various international and national companies active in industries including retail, pharmaceuticals, technology, media, and advertising, gambling and entertainment, automotive, FMCG, tobacco, luxury goods and fashion.
SIMION & BACIU is an award-winning intellectual powerhouse, a business law firm providing the best combination of legal advice, business savvy and humanness.
We act as business partners to our clients in areas of practice and regulated industries pivotal to our firm’s sustainable growth: intellectual property, gaming and gambling regulatory, consumer protection and data privacy, technology and media, corporate and M&A, and disputes resolution.
SIMION & BACIU or members of its team are active in third-party professional organizations such as AmCham (American Chamber of Commerce in Romania), INTA (International Trademark Association) and IMGL (International Masters of Gaming Law), and more. Members of our team are independently acknowledged by reputable international directories including Legal 500, Chambers and Partners, Managing IP, Who’sWho Legal, IAM Patent 1000 and WTR 1000. In the intellectual property field, SIMION & BACIU is honored to be:
• winner of the Firm of the Year in Romania distinction by Managing IP (2021, 2022 and 2023)
• winner of the Trademark Firm of the Year in Romania by IAM Patent 1000 & WTR 1000 at the IP Global Awards Gala (2022)
• recognized as a Leading Firm in Intellectual Property by EMEA Legal 500 and Chambers and Partner Europe
• recognized as a Top Firm by IP STARS, Managing IP
• GOLD band by WTR 1000, in both chapters researched for Romania: Enforcement & Litigation and Prosecution & Strategy
• Recommended by IAM Patent 1000
SIMION & BACIU is an award-winning intellectual powerhouse, a business law firm providing the best combination of legal advice, business savvy and humanness.
We act as business partners to our clients in areas of practice and regulated industries pivotal to our firm’s sustainable growth: intellectual property, gaming and gambling regulatory, consumer protection and data privacy, technology and media, corporate and M&A, and disputes resolution.
SIMION & BACIU or members of its team are active in third-party professional organizations such as AmCham (American Chamber of Commerce in Romania), INTA (International Trademark Association) and IMGL (International Masters of Gaming Law), and more. Members of our team are independently acknowledged by reputable international directories including Legal 500, Chambers and Partners, Managing IP, Who’sWho Legal, IAM Patent 1000 and WTR 1000. In the intellectual property field, SIMION & BACIU is honored to be:
• winner of the Firm of the Year in Romania distinction by Managing IP (2021, 2022 and 2023)
• winner of the Trademark Firm of the Year in Romania by IAM Patent 1000 & WTR 1000 at the IP Global Awards Gala (2022)
• recognized as a Leading Firm in Intellectual Property by EMEA Legal 500 and Chambers and Partner Europe
• recognized as a Top Firm by IP STARS, Managing IP
• GOLD band by WTR 1000, in both chapters researched for Romania: Enforcement & Litigation and Prosecution & Strategy
• Recommended by IAM Patent 1000
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