New victory for BACIU PARTNERS representing Asociația Suporter Club UTA in the series of litigations against Asociația Fotbal Cub UTA Arad
07 Februarie 2025
BizLawyerThe final solution rendered by the tribunal marks a significant success of the Asociația Suporter Club UTA, represented by the BACIU PARTNERS team, thus strengthening its rights and interests vis-à-vis the Asociația Fotbal Cub UTA Arad and ending the conflict that began in 2022.
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Arad Tribunal pronounced a final favourable solution in the litigation initiated by Asociația Suporter Club UTA ("SCU") against Asociația Fotbal Cub UTA Arad, ("AFC UTA") which aimed to oblige the football club to make available to the supporters all documents and information regarding the objectives and purpose of the football club in Arad.
The final solution rendered by the tribunal marks a significant success of the Asociația Suporter Club UTA, represented by the BACIU PARTNERS team, thus strengthening its rights and interests vis-à-vis the Asociația Fotbal Cub UTA Arad and ending the conflict that began in 2022. The dispute between the parties was based on the fact that SCU, a member of AFC UTA, was repeatedly ignored after requesting information regarding the financial statements of the UTA club.
The final solution rendered by the tribunal marks a significant success of the Asociația Suporter Club UTA, represented by the BACIU PARTNERS team, thus strengthening its rights and interests vis-à-vis the Asociația Fotbal Cub UTA Arad and ending the conflict that began in 2022. The dispute between the parties was based on the fact that SCU, a member of AFC UTA, was repeatedly ignored after requesting information regarding the financial statements of the UTA club.
The first instance rendered a decision in favour of SCU which was appealed by AFC UTA.
In the appeal phase, the Arad Tribunal rendered a final decision by which the appeal was rejected, thus confirming the decision of the court of first instance which ordered, by virtue of SCU's capacity as a founding member and member of the management bodies of AFC UTA, the club to allow access to its financial information and documents.
The significance of the final solution obtained is all the greater as it also represents an undeniable signal regarding the unequivocal nature of the rights and obligations stipulated within the legal relationship between the entities involved.
A critical element of the representation provided by Iunia Radu, Senior Associate, coordinated by Ana-Maria Baciu, Managing Partner in this case was the strategic, comprehensive and multilateral approach designed to protect the interests of SCU.
Asociația Suporter Club UTA was founded in 2007 with the scope of protecting the identity and image of the UTA brand, representing a distinct and of significant value brand in the Romanian football landscape, as well as an inestimable value for the city of Arad. SCU has been a member of all the entities that managed the activity of the football team in Arad since 2008.
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