Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

Zamfirescu Racoți Vasile & Partners Receives Managing IP Firm of the Year Award in Romania for Patent Litigation

12 Aprilie 2024   |   BizLawyer

Alina Tugearu was present at the ceremony in London, where she proudly accepted the award on behalf of our firm. Alina was also shortlisted for the Practitioner of the Year award in Romania, among 10 other renowned Romanian IP practitioners.

Managing IP (MIP) has honoured Zamfirescu Racoți Vasile & Partners (ZRVP) with the Firm of the Year Award in Romania for Patent Litigation, at the annual ceremony hosted in London on April 11th, 2024, that gathered the best IP professionals in the world. ZRVP also won this award in 2019, when the firm received the prestigious international distinction for its work in intellectual property litigation.

Commenting on the award, Alina Tugearu, partner of the firm and coordinator of the IP litigation practice, stated: "Receiving this prestigious award is a testament to the dedication and expertise of our team. We are immensely proud to be recognized for our contributions to the field of intellectual property law in Romania. This award motivates us to continue delivering exceptional results for our clients."

Alina Tugearu was present at the ceremony in London, where she proudly accepted the award on behalf of our firm. Alina was also shortlisted for the Practitioner of the Year award in Romania, among 10 other renowned Romanian IP practitioners.

The Managing IP Awards programme recognises remarkable IP achievements and developments in the last year. Now in its 19th year, the biggest IP awards event in the world covers several intellectual property practice areas and more than 50 jurisdictions.

The programme is widely regarded as the premier IP law firm awards event in the legal industry.

Zamfirescu Racoți Vasile & Partners boasts a strong IP practice backed by the resources and capabilities of a full-service law firm. The department has been recognized for many years as a leader in the field of patent and trademark litigation by World Trademark Review, Managing Intellectual Property, IAM Patent 1000, and IP Stars. The team has diligently provided legal counsel and representation in high-profile litigation cases across various sectors, including pharmaceuticals, healthcare, food and beverage, construction, energy, financial services, and telecommunications.

Recent endeavors include representing a prominent pharmaceutical company in challenging the cancellation of a Supplementary Protection Certificate, navigating regulatory data protection matters for a leading biotechnology firm, and representing the client in a dispute concerning the dismissal of very high value claims arising from alleged infringement of oil & gas patents. A recent successful project was carried out for Atelierele Pegas, producer of the most famous brand of bicycles in Romania, represented by ZRVP in the litigation against the German company ZEG, owner of the Pegasus brand, for the annulment of the PEGAS national trademark and the interdiction of the marketing of bicycles under this name. The dispute was settled in favour of the Romanian brand.







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