Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

A relocation of a business to Dubai, project explained by Casiana Dușa, Senior Attorney specializing in business consultancy in Romania and the Middle East, certified in Islamic Law, and Olga Petz, the manager of Casa Concrete, who included the United Arab Emirates on the company’s expansion map. How the market-entry plan looks like, what are the key elements and how the well-chosen consultant can help you

27 Martie 2023   |   R. T.

The lawyer is currently working with the owners of Casa Concrete on a complex relocation plan to Dubai.

Casiana Dusa, Senior Attorney specializing in business consultancy in Romania and the Middle East, and Olga Petz, manager of Casa Concrete

With hard work, continuous study and dedication, Romanian professionals stand out in areas that many peers see difficult to access. Casiana Dușa belongs to the category of those who have experienced success at the international level, standing out among the elite of business lawyers thanks to her specialization in the Islamic legal and financial system. The young lawyer has extensive multi-jurisdictional experience, being involved in a significant number of projects focusing on the internationalization and development of businesses. Today, she leverages her know-how in the Islamic business environment to develop complex projects, aimed either to expand investments from the Middle East to our country, or to introduce Romanian companies on the Arab markets. Today we will talk about the internationalization of a Romanian business, Casa Concrete being one of the local companies that is planning to relocate to Dubai. The entire project is being built under the coordination of the Senior Attorney Casiana Dușa.

In recent years, the United Arab Emirates has become a magnet for businessmen eager to expand successful businesses. The incredible development of this market raised the economic interest of those who saw here a maximum potential to build. Today, Dubai is both a city with a strong tourist attraction and one of the most important business hubs in the world.

Romanian entrepreneurs have felt the potential of this part of the world and are constantly looking for ways to move their Romanian businesses to the United Arab Emirates. Entering such a market is not simple, and in order to avoid any mistake, it is necessary to work with an expert in Islamic laws.

The Arab world is based on a culture that radically from what the Europeans or Americans are used to, and the businesses that operate here are based on many rules unknown to Westerners.

Casa Concrete sells its properties in Romania

Alin Benghiac and Olga Petz, two investors who founded Casa Concrete, a domestic brand that proposes unique collections in the interior design, intend to move their company to Dubai. The project has already started, with the support of Casiana Dușa, though it is a long-term process involving a series of steps that must be done by using a specific technique.

"Last fall, during a trip to Dubai, we took the opportunity to present Casa Concrete to top real estate developers, aiming to get an objective feedback on how we should approach this segment. Certainly, the products were received with delight and most stakeholders recommended us to establish a local legal entity. This aspect, besides everything that happened until then, led to Casa Concrete's decision to relocate to the United Arab Emirates permanently", said Casiana Dușa.

The lawyer is currently working with the owners of Casa Concrete on a complex relocation plan to Dubai.
In the first phase, it includes the sale of real estate in Romania. Both the assets of the commercial company operating under the Casa Concrete brand - a 1,180 sq m production hall with a 6,600 sq m plot of land, located near the city of Sighisoara, as well as the personal / residential property of the natural persons behind this business are for sale. The second category includes a property with an impressive architecture of 552 square meters, located a short distance from Sighisoara, and a plot of 4,000 square meters. Then follows the procedure of transferring the business to the Emirates, carrying out the formalities of establishing the legal entity and organizing the logistics in the Emirates, as well as relocating the residence . Moreover, we will work intensively on the brand promotion side, hence the relocation will be a natural, gentle process and not a steep one", explains the lawyer.

Read also
→  INTERVIEW | Casiana Dușa, Attorney with experience in Dubai and specialization in „Islamic Law”, founded Romanian Arab Investments House to boost the Muslim business community with interests in Romania and the Romanian entrepreneurs wishing to expand to the Middle East. „The interaction between the business environment, society and Islamic principles set up the premises for a sustainable invesment in any jurisdiction”, says the Law graduate that studied Sharia principles and the Islamic Finance principles in the United Arab Emirates

How did this collaboration start?

The collaboration between Casiana Dușa and the two businessmen started before one of the lawyer’s business trips to Dubai. Alin Benghiac and Olga Petz expressed their interest in that area and implicitly their desire to promote luxury concrete tiles by contracting projects on the Arab market. "From the beginning , I was impressed by the trust they gave me. Thus, we decided that I represent them in a series of meetings with architects, design companies and fit-out , contractors, as well into the of the City Scape Global fair. With that occasion, I had the honor to present the luxury brand Casa Concrete and received highly positive feedback, which was expected, considering the quality and the design of the products, in perfect synchronization with the Dubai style", added Casiana Dușa.

After the business mission, the lawyer designed a market entry plan targeting several types of options and budgets. "I also explained to Mr. Benghiac and Mrs. Pet the legal and business conditions that each option would involve. During the months that followed , we discussed this subject in detail, while I continued to attract relevant stakeholders to Casa Concrete’s network", said the consultant.

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"Casiana Dușa is the professional we rely on exclusively"

The success of this complex project is based on the confidence that the Romanian entrepreneurs have in the lawyer Casiana Dușa. " Given our interest for Dubai, I met Casiana a year ago and I decided on the spot to start a long-term collaboration. Her humbleness, despite her impressive accomplishments and her extraordinary international know-how, truly impressed us. Casiana has an ambition and a dedication that I have not met before. I fully trust her for opening our road to the United Arab Emirates, considering her sound experience and demonstrated know-how. As far as Middle East is concerned, Casiana is the professional we rely on exclusively. Our first project was a business mission, where Casiana represented us in B2B meetings with the most important players from the market, thus showing extraordinary know-how of the local business etiquette, the feedback obtained thereof helping us understand the market’s demand and start building an efficient plan, completed few months later. Casiana’s involvement was very important to us, considering both her local knowledge for which she internationally certified and her flexibility and business oriented / result-oriented approach.

The business mission in Dubai was extremely important, because it provided us an objective expert view covering all the necessary information needed to create the optimal strategy to move forward. We were impressed by the passion shown by Casiana when representing us in Dubai, which is crucial aspect for any business, but so rare in practice”, mentioned Olga Petz, manager of Casa Concrete, interviewed by BizLawyer.

In this project, Casiana Dușa comes with a series of strengths, including in-depth knowledge of the market and related challenges, acquired know-how, network of contacts, knowledge of culture, business etiquette and approach specific to local entrepreneurs. All these assets bring the Casiana’s one step ahead of others for accessing the best opportunities.

"The developed market entry plan covers several options and stages, which I could brief in the following. Thus, we have included several legally possible trajectories / structures with the implications of each and the required budget. The approach is gradual, involving small but safe steps: promoting their brand / boosting visibility, propagating the brand and raising the interest of key stakeholders, obtaining a project/projects (with the delivery of products from Romania and the movement of the team for assembly), the establishment of a legal entity , setting up a local factory, thus gradually moving to the outsourcing of as many components of the production process as possible - installation to total outsourcing", the lawyer explained to BizLawyer.

For her part, Olga Petz specifies the fact that, from the beginning, Casa Concrete had an increased interest in the Emirati market, and the collaboration with Casiana brought the Romanian entrepreneurs to the point of making the decision to relocate to Dubai, both with residence and with the whole business.                                                                

" At the moment , I have started the exit process from Romania, which we estimate at about a year. In addition, in the following months, we will work on the consolidation of our brand in Dubai. After completing the relocation and our business in Dubai will flourish, we wish to expand to other Middle Eastern markerts, as well. Based on Casiana’s advice, we prepared a strategy consisting of several stages, of which the first is the sale of our factory located in Harghita county, close to Sighisoara, as well as our residential properties, Casiana being involved in this transaction. Then, we will focus on the consolidation of our brand in Dubai and the implementation of our business plan regarding the company we will establish and develop there. Finally, with Casiana’s assistance, we will perform all formalities needed for entering the market, from purchasing real estate to the business’ logistics / operations and the consolidating of a relevant network", added the manager of Casa Concrete.

The collaboration between the two entrepreneurs that run Casa Concrete and Casiana Dușa has several legal and business components. The partnership with the lawyer covers both real estate transactions in Romania, which Alin Benghiac and Olga Petz intend to carry out in Harghita county, as well as the relocation of the business to Dubai, starting from the preparation of the relevant business plan, up to the preparation of the necessary documents for incorporating and running the business. The expert in Islamic law will accompany her clients throughout this project, providing them with all needed support.

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