Biriş Goran advises on an important real estate project for the Romanian market
22 Mai 2019
BizLawyerBiriş Goran’s team comprised Daniela Lazea (Partner – Real Estate practice), Ruxandra Jianu (Tax Partner), and Teodora Moţatu (Senior Associate – M&A Corporate Matters).
Biriş Goran successfully represented its client, Global Vision, in a large transaction having as purpose the association with Globalworth for the development of an important real estate project.
The parties established the cooperation for the development of a logistic project in Chitila, totaling up to 77,140 square meters of leasable area. The project will be launched under the Global Logistics brand.
Biriş Goran’s team comprised Daniela Lazea (Partner – Real Estate practice), Ruxandra Jianu (Tax Partner), and Teodora Moţatu (Senior Associate – M&A Corporate Matters).
Daniela Lazea stated: "We are thrilled to have assisted Global Vision in a complex transaction pointing out to the maturity of the Romanian real estate market. We assisted our client in one of the most important logistic centers transaction, which will lead to the development, together with Globalworth, of a project based on a mutual long-term cooperation of the involved parties, connected to a significant investment on the Romanian market as well.”
The parties established the cooperation for the development of a logistic project in Chitila, totaling up to 77,140 square meters of leasable area. The project will be launched under the Global Logistics brand.
Biriş Goran’s team comprised Daniela Lazea (Partner – Real Estate practice), Ruxandra Jianu (Tax Partner), and Teodora Moţatu (Senior Associate – M&A Corporate Matters).
Daniela Lazea stated: "We are thrilled to have assisted Global Vision in a complex transaction pointing out to the maturity of the Romanian real estate market. We assisted our client in one of the most important logistic centers transaction, which will lead to the development, together with Globalworth, of a project based on a mutual long-term cooperation of the involved parties, connected to a significant investment on the Romanian market as well.”
Sorin Preda, CEO Global Vision said: “We thank our consultant for a successful transaction. We are delighted with the collaboration and hope to repeat it in the next steps and transactions of our group.”
Founded in 2004, Global Vision develops, designs, builds and manages strategic real estate projects for private and institutional investors in Romania and the CEE. The company also owns a portfolio of properties consisting of office buildings, residential and industrial projects. Globalworth is a London-based real estate company listed on the London Stock Exchange and operating in Romania and Poland, where it became the main investor in the real estate market in the two countries, having an overall real estate portfolio valued at about €2.5 billion.
Biriş Goran is a business law firm with 40+ attorneys and tax advisors founded in 2006 and provides business legal services with a particular focus on tax, real estate, corporate and M&A, antitrust/competition, litigation, labor, privacy and data protection as well as insolvency. Biriş Goran and its team has been consistently ranked as one of the leading firms in Romania by such guides as Chambers Europe and European Legal 500.
Biriş Goran is a business law firm with 40+ attorneys and tax advisors founded in 2006 and provides business legal services with a particular focus on tax, real estate, corporate and M&A, antitrust/competition, litigation, labor, privacy and data protection as well as insolvency. Biriş Goran and its team has been consistently ranked as one of the leading firms in Romania by such guides as Chambers Europe and European Legal 500.
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