Dentons launches interactive tool on Transparency Registers laws in all EU markets with the support of the Nextlaw Referral Network
23 Ianuarie 2019
BizLawyerDentons lawyers prepared the analyses of Romania, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and the UK.
Dentons, the world’s largest law firm, has collaborated with the Nextlaw Referral Network to expand its interactive EU Transparency Register laws tool to cover all 28 countries in the European Union.
The innovative online tool provides an overview of the Transparency Register law’s implementation in each EU country, and clearly defines the requirements and registration process. It also provides a link to the register in each country as well as information regarding access and sanctions. Users can look up a single jurisdiction or compare laws in up to three EU countries at a time. The tool is free and is available at A useful resource for companies and private equity houses operating in the EU, it is particularly valuable for conducting business partner due diligence and complying with legal anti-money laundering requirements.
The innovative online tool provides an overview of the Transparency Register law’s implementation in each EU country, and clearly defines the requirements and registration process. It also provides a link to the register in each country as well as information regarding access and sanctions. Users can look up a single jurisdiction or compare laws in up to three EU countries at a time. The tool is free and is available at A useful resource for companies and private equity houses operating in the EU, it is particularly valuable for conducting business partner due diligence and complying with legal anti-money laundering requirements.
While the original platform, launched in October 2018, covered the 13 EU countries where Dentons currently has offices, the new version adds an additional 15 countries to provide full coverage of the European Union. The analysis on the newly added jurisdictions was provided by member firms of the Nextlaw Referral Network.
Rainer Markfort, Corporate Partner in Berlin and Head of the Dentons Europe Compliance Group, commented, “Complying with transparency and anti-money laundering requirements is particularly challenging for companies which operate cross-border, as there are significant differences in how the Transparency Register has been implemented across various jurisdictions. So we believe that having a single source of reference for all EU countries will be valuable to our clients.”
“Dentons leverages the power of its global reach and of the Nextlaw Referral Network to assist the clients in improving their compliance efforts. Conducting business partner due diligence and complying with legal anti-money laundering requirements is essential to our clients, and we trust that providing a unified and comparative tool at European Union level will be a welcomed market addition”, added Raul Mihu, Partner with Dentons in Bucharest.
Dentons established the Nextlaw Referral Network in 2016 to connect clients with high quality legal talent around the world. While membership in the Network is free, law firms undergo a thorough vetting process to assess quality before being admitted.
Jeff Modisett, CEO of Nextlaw Referral Network, commented, “The Nextlaw Referral Network allows members to quickly find the lawyer with the knowledge they and their clients need in 200 countries worldwide. This project – the first Europe-wide thought leadership collaboration between Dentons and Nextlaw Referral Network – is a great illustration of the power and agility of that network.”
Dentons lawyers prepared the analyses of Romania, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and the UK. Other contributors included:
• Austria: Binder Grösswang
• Bulgaria: Djingov Gouginski Kyutchukov & Velichkov (DGKV)
• Croatia: Cacic & Partners
• Cyprus: Harneys
• Denmark: Lundgrens
• Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: Sorainen
• Finland: HPP
• Greece: Zepos & Yannopoulos
• Ireland: Walkers
• Malta: GVZH Advocates
• Portugal: PLMJ
• Slovenia: Karanovic & Partners in cooperation with local lawyers
• Sweden: Setterwalls
Dentons is the world's largest law firm, delivering quality and value to clients around the globe. Dentons is a leader on the Acritas Global Elite Brand Index, a BTI Client Service 30 Award winner and recognized by prominent business and legal publications for its innovations in client service, including founding Nextlaw Labs and the Nextlaw Referral Network. Dentons' polycentric approach and world-class talent challenge the status quo to advance client interests in the communities in which we live and work.
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