Tuca Zbarcea & Asociatii

KPMG in Romania announces partnership with Skyline Drones

01 Aprilie 2021   |   BizLawyer

KPMG and Skyline Drones together have a mission to help companies to understand the benefits of drones, identify opportunities specific for their business and recommend implementation strategies and actions.

KPMG in Romania, a leader in business transformation and a trusted innovation consultant, has announced a partnership with Skyline Drones, a leading drone service provider.

Through this partnership, KPMG aims to offer its customers innovative alternatives to activities that until recently were carried out in a traditional, labor intensive way, and also solutions to challenges addressed so far in a limited manner. Drone inspections open up new horizons, save time and effort and show a high degree of accuracy. They are aimed especially at industries such as agriculture, energy, telecommunications, and oil & gas, as well as civil and industrial construction.

Richard Perrin, Head of Advisory, KPMG in Romania, explains: “Besides traditional consulting services, KPMG is enlarging its offering with innovative solutions to support clients’ businesses by helping them to grow their operations and address strategic and operational challenges. The partnership with Skyline Drones is one way of adding technology and innovative solutions to our offering to clients. These are more and more in demand on the market, enhanced by the current circumstances generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

”Drone technology will be a game changer for multiple industries,” adds Andrada Iliescu, Director in the Advisory practice of KPMG in Romania. “Over the past four years, our exposure to drones has increased exponentially and the recent growth of adjacent technologies has further boosted the proliferation of drone solutions. Drone surveillance can cover a wide range of services, from inspections of oil tanks or narrow / closed spaces, to inspections of powerlines, gas emissions, construction stages of buildings compared to technical plans, asset inspection etc. We are delighted about the partnership with Skyline Drones, which adds to our portfolio of technology offerings. These will now include full-scale assessments and integrations, flight operations and data-specific products.”

Ciprian Iorga, Founder, Skyline Drones adds: „Drone Inspection using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), is fast becoming the preferred method of visual inspection across a wide range of industries. Drone inspection is the safest alternative to any manned visual survey method and digitalised companies are beginning to realise and understand the benefits of including drone inspection within their annual budgets.
Based on our experience, our current focus will be on precision agriculture, asset inspection with defect identification (both visual & thermal), ultrasonic thickness measurements (UT measurements), LIDAR inspection, 3D model & photogrammetry and virtual tours.
Thanks to KPMG’s wide experience in strategic and operational planning, Skyline Drones will be able to support companies not only in offering inspection services, but also in implementing complete and comprehensive drone services internally. I am delighted by this partnership with KPMG and this is an exciting example  of what is possible when organizations with complementary skillsets and common vision come together”.

KPMG and Skyline Drones together have a mission to help companies to understand the benefits of drones, identify opportunities specific for their business and recommend implementation strategies and actions. Furthermore, we will will help our clients to make sense of the data collected by drones and to act on data collected and analyzed.







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